How old do you have to be to buy Creatine

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment Diet Nutrition Law .We found some answers as below for this question “How old do you have to be to buy Creatine”,you can compare them.

Creatine Supplements are food supplements, so they are not age regulated. You should be able to buy then at any age. ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How old do you have to be to buy Creatine
How old do you have to be to buy creatine?
I bought creatine at Walmart and I am 17. They never asked how old I was or anything. It is over the counter obviously, so I don’t think there is any issue with age.
When should you take creatine?
Any one looking to gain lean muscle tissue can take creatine. It will help gain lean muscle and increase strength.
Where can i buy creatine?
gnc or ur local vitamin storeand the kid who said e-bay is a retard u cant sell any sorts of drugs on e-bayits kinda not allowed cause who knows what would be in it

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How old do I have to be to buy creatine?
Q: Ok well I’m 15 an I’m a freshmen but I was just wondering if I’m old enough to buy it without a parent.. And about how much does it cost.. And also if pills or powder creatine is better?
A: 18
Can a 17 year old buy ”Creatine” at GNC?
A: yes my son did at that age.
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Q: I have been trying to contact Rite AId but not much luck. The guy said he doesn’t now about state and local government laws in my area. Which is Pleasanton, CA if that helps.
A: Any age. It’s not controlled. Creatine is in the same category with vitamins and minerals. It’s a suppliment not a medicine.
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