How much weight can I lose in one month

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How much weight can I lose in one month”,you can compare them.

It is possible to lose 10 to 15 pounds in one month with exercise and diet. Thanks for asking ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much weight can I lose in one month
Have a look at slimming worlds website. I’ve been losing weight with them and they’re brilliant. It’s been the only thing that’s worked and it’s the only thing I would advise anyone to try! I am also vegetarian so green days work perfectly,…
It all depends on the person and how your metabolize reacts and what not but remember even if you do this for a month your body is going to get use to it and therefore if you go back to a regular diet and everything your body will start sto…
The amount of weight that a person can lose in a month depends on various factors. Some people lose lot of weight in their first month itself, while others hardly see any change in their body weight during the same time. It is annoying to s…—How-Much-Weight-Can-I-Lose-in-One-Month?&id=2344696

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much weight can I lose in one month?
Q: I have one month to lose weight, so if I lose weight the healthy way of cutting only 500 calories each day with exercise, how much will I lose in a month?
A: You will lose 4-8 pounds in a month. Following a healthy reduced calorie diet and exercising regularly will usually lead to weight loss of between 1-2 pounds a week. It really depends on your level of exercise though. Just cutting 500 calories daily will make you lose 4 pounds (without exercise).♣
How Much Weight Can You Lose In One Month?
Q: Im slowly gaining weight and im worried.I have stretch marks and i want to lose weight. But healthy. Is there any other way then eating right! And if there is how much and you lose in one month.
A: im tryna do the same thing! im starting high school. and i really want to lose weight! but like, what ive been doing is playing basketball every day, for atleast 2 or 3 hours. but if u dont like basketball, play another sport every day? and when i want some unhealthy snack, i have a big X on my hand, so when i grab some fattening, junk food, i will look at it and be like, no, i dont want to eat this. and i put it back, and grab something healthy! its been working for me. and drink lots and lots of water too. hope this helped! 🙂
How much weight can I lose in one month if I quit drinking alcohol? I’m 5′ 11″ and weigh 220 pounds, and am
Q: 34 years old. I always used to weigh like between 175-185 throughout my 20’s, but after I hit 30, the weight started to pack on. I usually drink a couple tall boys every night, and want to just stop, not only for health reasons, liver, etc, but to lose weight. How much weight could I lose from just abstaining from alcohol for a month? 10 pounds?
A: I quit drinking alcohol one week ago and I lost 8 lbs. But I had been drinking very heavy for about 7 yrs. Good Luck!!! 🙂
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