How much sugar is in Mcdonalds sweet tea

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition Dining Out .We found some answers as below for this question “How much sugar is in Mcdonalds sweet tea”,you can compare them.

Sugars 38g. There are 230 calories in the McDonald’s Sweet Tea. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much sugar is in Mcdonalds sweet tea
How much sugar is in McDonald’s Sweet Tea?
The sweet tea has 30 mgs of sugar.
What kind of sugar does McDonalds use in its sweet tea??
Only those at the food processing plant would know. But, I bet if it was lo-cal they would advertise it.
Does anyone know if mcdonalds sweet tea has even more sugar than …?
They put 4 pounds of sugar into every 4 gallons.

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A: the same thing happens to me. they can’t seem to get it right.Wierd
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A: Only those at the food processing plant would know. But, I bet if it was lo-cal they would advertise it.
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