How many calories should you burn to lose a pound

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories should you burn to lose a pound”,you can compare them.

It takes about 3500 calories equals one pound of body weight. Have a great night! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories should you burn to lose a pound
How many calories should I burn in order to lose around 25 pounds…?
Well, there are 3500 calories in a pound. I would calculate your basal metabolic rate to see “the number of calories you’d burn if you stayed in bed all day,” number of calories your body already burns to stay alive. Then, factor …
How many calories should I burn a day to lose 7 pounds in 4 weeks…?
maybe tone up w some wt lifting, running, swimming, basketball, bike riding, need to drop 500 cal per day. 3500per wk for 1 pound.
How many calories should you burn daily in order to lose 10 pound…?
1 pound of fat = 3500 calories. To lose 10 pounds, you have to cut out 35,000 calories. You can do this in less than two months and still be healthy by eating about 500 calories less than you normally do every day and exercising regularly.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many calories should i burn each day to lose 1 pound?
Q: is this right? 3500 calories = 1 burning 500 cals each day should reduce my weight by 1 poound, considering i workout 7 days a week?
A: First you need to check what your basal metabolic rate is, also known as BMR. Say your BMR is 1800 calories. Make sure you eat no more then the 1800 calories a day, plus, exercise and burn off an additional 500 a day and in a week you should have lost a pound. But if you eat more then your BMR, then you will not lose and may gain, even with exercise. There are BMR calculators on the net, just do a search and try to keep your intake within th BMR requirements and you will lose weight safely.
How many calories do you have to burn to lose a pound?
Q: I need to know how many calories to burn to lose a pound! HELP ME PLZ! 🙂
A: 3500
How many calories do i have to burn to lose one pound?
Q: how many calories to burn one pound?
A: 3500
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