How many calories does purging get rid of

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It depends on what you eat, but it usually gets rid of about 3/4 of the calories you ate. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories does purging get rid of
Does purging actually get rid of the calories consumed??
yes, it does but depends on how many did you throw up and the minutes the food is consumed,the absorbtion of calories starts in the mouth, one site on the internet says that throwing up get rids 57-75% of the calories consumed, however, but…
How come purging doesn’t get rid of calories?
Because your body starts to digest food in the stomach. By the time you throw up it’s partially digested.
Does purging get rid of all the calories? Please Explain.??
I believe you receive zero calories if you throw up something shortly after you ate it. It has’nt had a chance to enter your system. But this practice, although common, is very dangerous. You can damage the inner lining of your throat from …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does purging actually get rid of the calories consumed?
Q: So i’ve had an eating disorder for just under a year now… it started off with restricting food and over-exercising but now i’m being forced to eat 6 times a day, BIG meals/snacks.So i started thinking that maybe if i purged afterwards, i would get rid of the calories i ate… because i dont wanna gain weight and this is the only way out of it because im not allowed to exercise..But does it actually get RID of the calories? or are they already absorbed? Because there’s no point in doing it if my body already takes in all of those calories…Thank you!
A: yes, it does but depends on how many did you throw up and the minutes the food is consumed,the absorbtion of calories starts in the mouth, one site on the internet says that throwing up get rids 57-75% of the calories consumed, however, but heck im a purging type anorexic so i sometimes practice it whenever i lose control, but let’s try not to do it ok? =)
Does purging get rid of all the calories?
Q: I had this HUGE binge so I purged
A: Yeah…. Don’t purge.That’s bad.
Does purging get rid of all the calories? Please Explain.?
Q: I heard that when you throw up, you get rid of only half your calories? WHY is this? I mean, even if you throw up …for example, if you ate ice cream and threw it all up, how the heck do you absorb the 1/2 calories? and same with chicken..if you ate chicken and threw it up in pieces, where are the calories absorbed?? Can someone please explain this to me? I am NOT bulimic..
A: I believe you receive zero calories if you throw up something shortly after you ate it. It has’nt had a chance to enter your system. But this practice, although common, is very dangerous. You can damage the inner lining of your throat from the stomach acids, and worse.
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