How many calories does an average bagel have

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories does an average bagel have”,you can compare them.

A plain bagel has 72 calories in it and less than an half a gram of fat. Claus does ChaCha on Palm Centro! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories does an average bagel have
What is the average calorie intake of a plain bagel with cream ch…?
I’m gonna go ahead and guess around 350 calories depending on the size of the bagel, and the brand/ how much cream cheese. Bagel- 250 Cream cheese- 100 Hope i’v helped, and best of luck! – Try light cream cheese and a whole- wheat bagel nex…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories does an average bagel have, if i take out all the dough from the middle??
A: a regular bagel with the dough is around 160.
Does anybody know the average calories for a bagel?
Q: I know this sounds like a silly question, but I’ve heard people say that bagels are a great diet food, and then others say it’s horrible..And I really love them! Anyways, I’ve found sources that list everything from 300-600 calories per bagel when looking through calorie counters..Can anyone help me out?? Thanks!
A: I’ve not heard of them as being great…usually the opposite. Your going to find the different calorie counts due to the fact that there are so many variety of bagels. If your getting them from a bakery, I’d go for the higher count. Also, ask for the nutritional count. Keep in mind that it is a high carb, and you may want to limit your intake of bagels to once or twice a week. Whole Wheat is better then White, and if your really unsure, do what I do, and just eat half. Top half is the best.
How many calories do you think I ate?
Q: 1 average sized bagel with minimal cream cheese2 pieces of pizza without grease (i took it out with 6 napkins)1 piece of chocolate cake with vanilla frosting (average sized)2 thin and long pieces of teriyaki chicken Vietnamese style.A little bit of Vietnamese rice with light curry… how much do you think I ate? I know the cake and pizza was bad. But it was my only option because I was at a birthday party.yeah i know but seriously how much 🙁 i’m really worried.
A: You in took about 1548 calories. Which is perfectly fine! Trust me!The normal amount of calories to be eaten in one day is 1900 therefore you are fine! Don’t worry! And about the cake and pizza don’t feel bad! You gotta live a little! Who said 2 slices of pizza and cake is gonna kill anyone! lol. Don’t worry about anything! You’re fine!!!!!!! =]
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