How many calories are in a sweet tea

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There are 90 calories in an 8.1 ounce (1 cup) serving of black sweet tea. There are also 23 grams of sugar. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in a sweet tea
How many calories are in sweet tea?
Large from Mcdonalds 230
How many calories are in McDonald’s Sweet Tea?
None. You need to add your own sweetener.
How many calories in mcdonalds sweet tea
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories are in McDonald’s sweet tea?
Q: Just wondering. I just moved to Houston, and went to McDonalds to get a plain old tea where I add my own splenda packets. And I got sweet tea on accident. It tastes amazing. And I love it, but I’m dieting and scared about the amount of calories in something like this.Anyone know roughly the calorie content? I know each sugar packet is roughly 15 calories. So how many do they add to the tea before giving it to you? I think the added it right to the tea after pouring it. So anyone who works there know roughly how many they add?
A: depending on size of the cup…small:150 caloriesMedium:175Large:210Fat-ass size:(haha that was a joke im not calling you fat im just making fun of mcdonalds here lol) 250.
How many calories in a large sweet tea from McDonalds?
Q: I cannot find it on the list of nutrition details on the website, and I am just curious. thanks for your help!
A: there is 230 calories
How many calories does homemade tea sweetend with splenda have?
Q: Water has zero calories.Tea bags have zero calories. (Correct me if i’m wrong)and Splenda has zero calories.But 0 calorie sweet tea seems crazy to me! Is it true?
A: zero. and truesplenda is a non caloric sweetener.some people will tell you its bad for you but they can’t prove it. that just what they think.
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