How many calories are in a piece of bacon

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories are in a piece of bacon”,you can compare them.

There are 380 cals in 100 grams of average grilled bacon. Each slice is somewhere between 40-50 cals depending on the type. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in a piece of bacon
How Many Calories Are In A Piece Of Bacon?
Turkey Bacon – 60 calories; Pork Bacon – 120+ calories depending on the manufacturer of the bacon.
How many calories in a piece of canadian bacon?
The average package of canadian bacon contains about 6 slices, each weighing in at about 30 grams, or roughly a single oz. The whole package will yield around 270 calories, but this depends of the brand, of course. That translates to about …
How many calories are in 3 pieces of bacon?
It in most likely going to be 150 calories, it is give or take depending on what brand of bacon. The fact that you are making an attempt to completly remove the grease could reduce the calories by a little but only 1 or 2 calories. Bacon is…

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Q: Will it set me over my daily allowed calories?
A: hahahaahh i love this question i would say about 3’ll be chubby in the morning.=]
How many calories are in 3 pieces of bacon?
Q: *** READ CAREFULLY ***If I cook the bacon to the crisp making sure there is no more fat attached, and then once I’m done cooking them I get a napkin and completely drench all the grease out of them, how many calories are they? [3 small pieces of regular sized bacon]Thanks. :]
A: It in most likely going to be 150 calories, it is give or take depending on what brand of bacon. The fact that you are making an attempt to completly remove the grease could reduce the calories by a little but only 1 or 2 calories. Bacon is a high calorie food not because of the grease but because of the actualy meat. I would suggest you try turkey bacon and see if you like the taste of it, generally the calories for 3 pieces of turkey bacon is about 75 calories. I have found that it tastes the same. You should also be able to look on the back of the packages in the nutritional information and see what it says for calories, making sure to note the serving size.
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