How long does it take to digest a meal

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The digestion of an average meal is complete after six to ten hours. Thanks for using ChaCha tonight! Text again soon for answers! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take to digest a meal
Depending on what you eat will depend on how quickly the digestion process takes. It takes about 4-6 hours for the food to leave your stomach. The entire digestion process, including the exit from the body takes about 24 hours.
The digestion of an average meal is complete after six to ten hours. – l The size, shape and position of the stomach can change depending on the food in the stomach and the strength of the stomach muscles. An average stomach has a capacity …
The digestion of an average meal is complete after six to ten hours. This depends on the types of foods eaten. The remaining indigestible materials pass into the large intestine and stay there for about 15 hours before being expelled from t…

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Q: How long does the average human’s digestive system take to completely digest an average meal?
A: The stomach holds a little under 2 quarts (1.9 liters) of semidigested food. That food remains in the stomach for three to five hours. The stomach slowly releases food to the rest of the digestive tract. Fifteen hours or more after the first bite started down the alimentary canal (digestive tract, which begins at the mouth), the final residue of the food is passed along to the rectum and is excreted through the anus as feces.
How long does it take to digest a meal from end to end?
Q: Say I ate dinner last night at 6:30pm. How long would that take to completely remove itself from my system? If I defecated this morning at 6:30 am, would that be the dinner?
A: Depends on multiple factors like what you ate, your normal metabolic rate, stresses, etc. Complete and total removal from the digestive tract could take a couple days, but the main load was probably that.
How long does it take to digest a meal?
A: 6-10h
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