How long can someone live without water

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How long can someone live without water”,you can compare them.

One can only survive 2 days at the max without any water replenishment. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long can someone live without water
How long can you live without water?
3 days, if you’re lucky. the body can survive a couple of weeks without food, but no water will kill you within a few days.
How long can someone live without food or water?
The rule of thumb is: 3 minutes without air 3 days without water 3 weeks without food
What is the longest recorded time someone has gone without water …?
I went without food for 2 weeks but it eneded with a trip to the emergency room with a tube down my nose and a saline drip.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long can a person live without food? How long without water?
Q: Stupid question but I have been wondering this for a while. How long can an average person live without food? How long can they live without water? Just wondering…
A: The average person can live without food for a total of 3 weeks, and without water for three days. This is assuming the person was in top physical health. Of course, most people would suffer major side effects from malnourishment, including dizziness, extreme fatigue, headaches, gastrointestinal issues, muscle loss, and more.
How long can someone really live without food or water? How about Both? Seems like some people can go awhile?
Q: I’ve always thought someone could only go a few weeks without food, and a few days without water. But I’ve heard of people in poor countries, anorexics, and those who fast going months without food. I’m not sure how long they’ve gone without water. Also, didn’t that guy David Blaine go two months without food? Or does it depend on how much fat a person has if they don’t have food? I’m trying to figure out how those little children with large stomachs survive so long without food. Sad. Thanks.Also, I personally know someone who said they fasted 6 weeks, so I know people can go close to two months. Any longer?That was a water fast for 6 weeks no food.
A: Dr Fuhrman (MD) does not water fast people more than 50 days (7 weeks). See site below for more on fasting with quotes by 17 MDs. Jesus fasted 40 days. Some fat people have been fasted by doctors over 60 days. One fat guy was fasted 7 months and died. That means he lasted 210 days.On no water, it is about a week. No water with food makes no sense since it depends on the food. A dry food like bread will cause you to die of dehydration sooner like 2 or 3 days. A food like watermelon which is loaded with water will not dehydrate you and you can live on it with no water (it is 96% water) for over 6 months.
how long can a cockatiel live without water?
Q: Monday evening I bought my cockatiel a new cage, and since then I haven’t seen him drink any water. He does not seem weak at all so maybe he’s been drinking while I’m not looking. It’s been about four days can they go that long without water. If they can how can I get him to drink? I’ve had him for 13 years and I don’t want to lose him.
A: Cockatiels don’t usually drink a lot of water anyway so he is probably drinking when you’re not looking. Why not measure the amount of water in the bowl when you fill it in the morning and then measure it again at night.
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