How do you get rid of an abscess

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Antibiotics alone will not cure an abscess. It generally needs to be opened and drained by a health care provider. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of an abscess
How to get rid of Abscesses?
They are pimples. Maybe big ones, but still pimples. An abscess is encapsulated, which means you need to surgically open it to get the pus out. First of all, wear cotton panties. They are cooler and don’t hold moisture against the skin as m…
What is a home remedy for treating abscesses?
Abscess Treatment. Treatment varies, but often requires antibiotics…
Will Using Toothpaste Absolutely Get Rid Of Your Abscess Quick??
Tags: accept acceptable absolutely derma problem administer abscess quick willnot Also see … Low Claret Burden Is It A Problem? Low claret pressure, accepted as hypotension, agency that the burden of claret circulating about your physi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I get rid of an abscess?
Q: I have this huge, swolen thing in my gums. My cousin is a dental assistant, and she thinks it’s an abscess. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it, without going to the dentist? I won’t be able to see a dentist for a week, and I feel like this thing is making me sick, so I’m worried. Please help!
A: I too have experienced many abscesses from a tooth.You need to get on some antibiotics to help with the abscess,the abscess can make you feel sick.I would call the dentist office and tell them that you need some antibiotics called in to a pharmacy so you can get some relief.Most will do this for you.Hope this helps you out.
any home remedies to get rid of an abscess?
Q: i have what i think is an abscess it is along my jaw and feels about the size of a marble and is quite hard and sore. i really do not like to go to the dentist (ever). can i go to the doctors to get some antibiotics or does anyone have a home remedy?
A: This really is a dangerous situation to just ignore or to try home remedies. The infection can spread to your jaw, brain..people have died because the do not “like” to go to the dentist or think they cannot afford it.(there was a child that died recently in the U.S because his mom did not take him to dentist when he had an abscess) At minimum go to a medical doctor-to have this checked out.
How do you get rid of an abscess over a tooth without going to the doctor ?
Q: I have a tooth that needs to come out but I don’t have insurance. It is giving me a headache; a tension headache.
A: You must go to a dentist now! It only cost about a hundred bucks to get a tooth pulled. Call them and tell them. They will probably take you on an emergency basis and some will even work out payments with you. Do not wait an abscess will only get worse and can be dangerous.
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