Does niacin take thc out of your body

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does niacin take thc out of your body”,you can compare them.

No, Niacin will not help you get the THC out of your system. Thanks for ChaCha-ing! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does niacin take thc out of your body
Can taking Niacin rid your body of THC?
THC is stored in fat cells. Niacin would do nothing to change that.
Would taking an excess of a fat burning pill rid my body of thc i…?
Don’t mess around with those non-FDA approved pharms in excess, they can cause fatal heart attacks. If you’re trying to detox, go with cranberry juice and a niacin flush, and maybe do lots of physical exercise. Still can’t promise you much …
Will niacin cleans THC from your body?
THC is stored in your body’s fat cells. In order to “clean” your body of THC you need to burn fat and/or speed up your metabolism. Nothing can just clean your body of THC. Niacin speeds up your metabolism, its not a magic drug, bu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does niacin 500 help flush thc out of your urine?
Q: i heard that if you take it and drink plenty of water it cleans out the thc from your body for good. anyone ever heard that? thanks to all who reply.
A: niacin lots of water and sweat will help pass a drug test.
Does Niacin help rid your body of THC?
Q: THC is the testable substance in marijuana. I have heard that a few large doses will cleans your body of it.
A: Nope. The ONLY thing that gets THC out of your system is TIME. And drinking lots of water and cranberry juice is just a myth too. Sorry. But you shouldn’t be doing marijuana anyway!!
Can taking Niacin rid your body of THC?
Q: thanks for any info.
A: THC is stored in fat cells. Niacin would do nothing to change that.
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