Does Crystal Light help you lose weight

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does Crystal Light help you lose weight”,you can compare them.

If you are replacing high calorie sodas with drinking Crystal Light it can help you lose weight. Water is a better choice though because you really don’t want to be drinking the artificial ingredients in Crystal Light. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does Crystal Light help you lose weight
Can crystal light help you lose weight?
Yes this along with diet and exercise! This helps a lot though because you need to consume around 8 glasses of water a day to lose weight. Also lemon is a metabolism booster, so the lemon flavor of crystal light is the best (also the taste!…
How does crystal light help you lose weight?
it helps you lose weight if you drink it instead of other beverages that are more calories such as soda. it is only 5 calories per glass compared to the 150 calories per glass of soda.
Does Drinking Crystal Light Really Help You Lose Weight??
It seems that everybody wants to lose weight. But when most people say they want to lose weight, what they really mean is they want to lose weight without altering their current lifestyle. They want to lose weight without changing the foods…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does crystal light help you lose weight?
A: it helps you lose weight if you drink it instead of other beverages that are more calories such as is only 5 calories per glass compared to the 150 calories per glass of soda.
Does Drinking Crystal Light Really Help You Lose Weight?
Q: I’ve been drinking the stuff to lose weight, but so far I haven’t seen a difference, and I’ve been drinking it for a month and a half. Any Ideas?
A: No Crystal light is a sugar free drink to replace drinks with sugar. It is not a diet plan. You can only lose weight when you change your diet and exercise.
does crystal light green tea helps u lose weight?
Q: if so how accurate is it?
A: nope and your crap is gonna look weird
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