Does Barqs Root Beer have caffeine in it

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does Barqs Root Beer have caffeine in it”,you can compare them.

Yes, Barq’s Root Beer has caffeine in it. However, Diet Barq’s contains no caffeine. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does Barqs Root Beer have caffeine in it
Does barqs root beer have caffeine?
According to link below: 23 milligrams in 12 ounces of Barqs root beer but none in diet Barqs root beer
Does Root Beer Have Caffeine?
It depends on the brand. Check the nutrition information label and ingredients list of your preferred brand.
Is there caffeine in root beer?
Most root beers, including the popular IBC and A&W, do not have caffeine. Barq’s does contain caffeine.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does Barqs Root Beer have caffeine in it?
Q: I’m pretty sure its the only one root beer with caffeine…right?
A: That is correct. That’s the “bite” in it.The diet doesn’t, though.
does barqs root beer have caffeine?
A: According to link below:23 milligrams in 12 ounces of Barqs root beerbut none in diet Barqs root beer
Caffeine in sodas?
Q: So I have cut back on almost ALL cafeine intake……chocolate (my oldest, dearest friend-I could not completely get out of my life…lol) Someone told me Root Beer was caffeine free. Well, I was drinking Barqs root beer and when I looked on the lable it has caffeine and I discovered that it was A&W that was caffeine free…..Well I’m not one of those women that is going to freak out becuase I had root beer with caffeine in it. My question is other than Sprite, 7up and the like what other sodas are caffeine free. Your help and advice is much appreciated!!I thought the same thing about all orange sodas, but Sunkist has caffeine and diet sodas are way worse due to the artificial sweetners.
A: I just had this discussion tonight actually. A & W and Mug Root Beer both have no caffine. Other than those I believe Fresca is caffine free, and both Pepsi and Coke have regular and diet caffine free varieties.
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