Can you over dose on Flintstones vitamins

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you over dose on Flintstones vitamins”,you can compare them.

Generally speaking overdosing on vitamins will not be too harmful since the excess comes out through your urine. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you over dose on Flintstones vitamins
Can you overdose from flintstone vitamins?
If they contain iron you can become very sick or die. If they are iron-free then if you take too much one time then your body will eliminate through your urine. Your urine (pee) will be dark yellow or maybe greenish. It will also have an od…
Can u overdose on Flintstone vitamins?
Go back to your doctor and get another type of medication that doesn’t hurt your stomach, or get something to make your current medication less hard on your stomach. I too suffer from anemia, and take an over the counter iron pill (FerroGra…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can a teenager over dose on childrens vitamins?
Q: People always tell me I can..but I don’t it true that I can over dose on a chewable vitamin such as Flintstones vitamins?
A: Yes, and depending on the vitamin the results can be serious. They may look and taste like candy, but they’re really not. I’ve included a link that lists symptoms, take a look at it.
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