Are Gold Fish Crackers bad for you

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Are Gold Fish Crackers bad for you”,you can compare them.

They’re not too bad. 55 goldfish have 6 g fat and 150 calories. But overall they don’t provide much nutrients. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are Gold Fish Crackers bad for you
Do goldfish crackers go bad?
This is a fascinating question. To put your worries at rest, stale crackers only taste bad, they are too dry to develop dangerous levels of pathegenic bacteria in them. Not to worry. I thought the shelf life of goldfish crackers rivaled tha…
Are Goldfish Crackers Bad for Babies?
Time magazine says that If you are concerned about sodium in your child’s food, then Goldfish crackers are one of their “9 kid foods to avoid”. Parents across the land who buy Goldfish in the washing machine sized economy packets might be d…
Which is healthier Gold Fish crackers or Cheez Its?
Goldfish have 140 cal/serving, 45 of which are from Fat Cheezits have 160 cal/serving, 70 of which are from Fat I would have to say that Goldfish are healthier

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is this dangerous for a dog?
Q: are gold fish crackers bad for dogs because every time i get home from work i usually have cup of gold fish to snack on and the cup is in my hoodie pocket and my dog will act like she is lying down on my lap but really she grabs a few and i found this out when my uncle caught her one day. all i really want to know is if goldfish crackers are bad for dogs.
A: Not at all. A few a day are just fine. They just aren’t the best treat for your dog. Plain milk bones are best (not the flavored kind). Your dog is clever! I’d let her have a few of those a day, it won’t hurt her as long as she is eating healthy dog food (preferably hard and not canned). You should also be brushing her teeth! I have 2 dogs and 1 actually likes having her teeth brushed so I do it 1X a day but the other hates it and really fights with me so I only do it once a week. The dog that likes it has the nicest white teeth and pink gums while the dogs that doesn’t is getting tartar and the gums don’t look as good. The one also has much better breath of course! Anyways! I’m going on and on and all you wanted to know about was the crackers and the answer is simply that they are fine as long as they don’t have too many!
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