Will marijuana cure cancer

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The active chemical in marijuana does kill brain cancer cells. It also relieves pain associated with other types of cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-marijuana-cure-cancer ]
More Answers to “Will marijuana cure cancer
Does marijuana cure cancer?
A man by the name of Rick Simpson has a documentary about how he used concentrated amount of THC using cannabis oil to cure himself and others of cancer. Max Power: I’d like you to show me one case where someone was diagnosed with cancer du…
Is marijuana cure for cancer?
Probably not gonna cure any disease. People would only benefit from it to ease pain of treatment, or extremely useful for those terminally ill. Doesn’t have to be smoked either; lots of people use a vaporizer or go for edible marijuana food…
Does marijuana really cure cancer
A Harvard study shows that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer and reduces spreading.

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When do you think Marijuana will be legalized, also when do you think we will find the cure for all cancer?
Q: Both causes look like they are progressing but when are we going to see the final result?!
A: One of the above users listed a half dozen hoax cures for cancer that have long since been debunked.One of the difficulties of dealing with cancer is it is not a single disease – it’s thousands. Indeed even two cancers with the same name, of the same type will vary significantly between two people. That said, enormous progress has been made in just the last half dozen years or so. Dozens, if not hundreds of cancers are simply flat our curable now with newer forms of chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant, including quite a few lymphomas, most childhood leukemias and many forms of breast cancer.Some truly amazing things have come out very recently though. Using technology related to gene therapy, there was one case where researches removed CD8 T-cells from two end-stage melanoma patients (The sort where time to death is expected on a scale of weeks to months), reprogram those cells, culture them, then reintroduce them to the body. Essentially, they synthetically created extremely potent immune cells that hunted down individual cancer cells and specifically killed them. This evoked full remission in these two patients, who were as good as dead. However the cost of doing this is an atrocity – millions of dollars of work to produce treatments specific to these single people. In short, it works experimentally, but doing it on a large scale is impossible costwise, even if it would work universally, which it probably would not.Gene therapy is, however, all grown up and ready for the big leagues. There are vaccines tangentially related to the above technology in human trials now – ones that could prevent or treat some of the nastier, more lethal cancers with very high success rates. It’s unlikely that cancer, for at least the near future, will become an easily manageable, or trivial disease, but things are improving very rapidly.The issue of marijuana becomes more complicated, due to the adversarial and politicized nature of the topic. There are essentially two core issues here: use of marijuana as a medical substance, and use of it as a recreational substance.The Institute of Medicine has established that it’s more or less impossible to make smoked marijuana into an acceptable drug by modern standards, and it’s use as such is only acceptable in the sense that it is not available in other usable forms. Even then, for most of the conditions for which it has demonstrated any use. Look at it in this sense – if I were to treat a bacterial infection, would I want to take an unknown amount of penicillin – amounts that can vary by enormously, and deliver it to the body in a way that will delivery a random amount? No. But that is the equivalent you get by smoking marijuana. That said, is it certainly possible to develop say, a means of controlled administration? In Canada, there’s a sublingual spray for MS patients, there’s synthetic pure D9-THC available. However, the development of such things is completely stymied by the current laws surrounding the substance, and exploration of its medical potential.The issue of recreational use becomes much more complicated – partly by the fact of US political authorities being unwilling to entertain the idea in the slightest, and partly by pro-marijuana advocacy groups, such as NORML, refusing to acknowledge any information that contradicts their viewpoints (there are certain significant negatives), and using medical use as an attempt to legitimize recreational use – something unacceptable within medical ethics.It’s certainly possible for marijuana to be legitimized as a recreational substance – but to do so the problems it will create, harm to those with mental illness that use of the substance will worsen, access on the part of minors due to its interference in certain late-adolescent brain development, and the harm it will do those vulnerable to addiction. All of these are very significant concerns, which both sides of the argument seem quite unwilling to address.
ATTENTION IGNORANT PEOPLE: More Evidence That Marijuana Prevents Cancer. Did I cure you of your ignorance?
Q: Or is it still there? You might be in denial but that’s okay it’s normal. Un-brainwashing people is very hard to do but you can do it! I can understand that when you’ve been lied to all your life then you start finding out people don’t turn into drug crazed maniacs because of weed. Or people don’t die from it, and it DOES prevent cancer!”a new study in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, which found that marijuana smokers have a lower risk of head and neck cancers than people who don’t smoke marijuana. Alas, this important research has been largely ignored by the news media.”http://www.alternet.org/drugreporter/142121/more_evidence_that_marijuana_prevents_cancer/ that’s a quote from the article, now I know some people wont take the time to read it and then post a stupid comment saying that marijuana will kill. But at least I tried right?so did I cure you of ignorance yet?I’ll also provide a link to the real truth on why it was made illegal in the first place.http://www.drugwarrant.com/articles/why-is-marijuana-illegal/Yeah I’ve known it for awhile to dude, I just wanted these people to be aware of the truth.
A: Thanks for my 1st laugh of the morning reading the question headline. LOVE it!!! You know how it goes…people brainwashed to believe a certain way thanks to the media portraying marijuana as some evil drug. I do hope you cured a few people of their ignorance..lol!I’ll share this story with you. My uncle has suffered with horrible asthma since he was born and at one point as a child almost died. As he got older, he started smoking pot as he battled asthma and bronchitis. His DOCTOR TOLD HIM (several years ago now) to smoke it when he had a flare up to prevent him from ending up in the hospital. It helps him every time.I’d rather smoke a good maryjane than have to depend on big pharma’s drugs or even some OTC drugs. “Use this drug but be warned you might have a heartattack, stroke, etc.” Why not use something natural? People need to use more common sense.
The cure to cancer is….marijuana?
Q: i have many artist friends who often find their creative juices flowing after they get high, helping them to write poems, songs, make artworks and whatnot. they claim that pot helps them come up with new ideas. if this is true then why is it that science researchers don’t get high in the laboratory? if pot helps with creativity, maybe scientists will discover the cure for cancer sooner if they could learn to get high at work more often? do ya think?
A: Marijuana shuts down the inhibitions just like alcohol.. That is why the “juices flow”. Artist of another era used alcohol instead of marijuana. What is actually taking place is the self-censor function of the brain is repressed. They aren’t as critical of their work. Scientist on the other hand, must work with real, concrete facts. They cannot rely on non-critical thinking to find a solution.
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