What tests are used to check for recurring cancer

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The BTA stat test is an immunologic assay that can be used to identify recurrent bladder cancer. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-tests-are-used-to-check-for-recurring-cancer ]
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What tests are used to check for recurring cancer
The BTA stat test is an immunologic assay that can be used to identify recurrent bladder cancer. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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What is wrong with me?
Q: I am 50 years old. I had perfect health up until 2 years ago when I contracted Typhoid in Vietnam the day before I left for China (I am caucasian and spend most of my time in these 2 countries). I lay undiagnosed in a hotel room in Shanghai for over a week without treatment before scrambling back to Australia where they told me what I had had and also they told me I had had Malaria at one point too as I had antibodies i me but the the recurring one. The typhoid and malaria is long gone. Since that time I suffer from extreme tenderness to the area of my bladder and just above, to the left and at times I cannot wear a belt because of the sensitivity. I get regular fever to which I use aspirin to reduce. With the fever comes aches and pains all over just like when you have the flu. The pain in the groin/bladder area doubles me up sometimes. I go to the toilet to defecate (the texture of which more or less is norma if not a little “loose”) far more times in a day that I should but I can only manage a small evacuation each time but the colic type pain of each is very strong. Now I have developed a pain in my testicles, a dull ache which sometimes flares uncontrollably. My right testicle has become slightly larger than my left and through a cat scan shows to have a surrounding of blood which my doctor says is ok and not life threatening. He says I could have it drained but it isn’t necessary. As I type this, the ache in my testicles is moderately strong and the pain in my bladder/bowel area is strong. A cat scan of my lower body revealed nothing. A colonoscopy revealed nothing. A check for prostate cancer revealed nothing, a test for tropical parasites revealed nothing, tests on my blood, urine and faeces are more or less normal and regular STD test reveal nothing. Moderate nausea is commonplace for me now although it sits just below the surface. In the last 2 weeks I have developed 3 boils never ever having one in my life before and in the last few days after fasting because of nausea, I sat in the toilet and vomited pure bile, yellow and bitter. I do not have typhoid, I do not have malaria. During one of my tests a year ago I was shown to have eosinophilia (large number of white blood cells) and underwent treatment which has fixed that but I have this recurring or cyclic fever, nausea, aches, intestinal pain, testicular pain and geberal malaise to which I feel abandoned by my doctor. Any ideas what could be the matter? I am out of faith in my doctor.A few months ago I was teated at Dongguan Hospital in China for severe testicular pain. They put a drip of antibiotics directly into my vein and I had instant relief, the pain dissapeared but returned some weeks later and we repeated the drip and the pain vanished again but it is now back and I am not in China. My doctor in Australia cannot replicate the reliefHello colours… yes, I have an appointment with a tropical disease specialist but he cannot see me until 30th April. Until then I guess I just put up with it but my business life is basically finished at this point until I get some relief
A: I read it all in awe and thought this must be some ordeal to cope with.You are treated by your regular Dr i suppose.Where i live we have a tropical disease centre.And they are very advanced and do their own testing and research.They receive huge funds each year from the government because our country is overran by Africans and Indians who all bring their tropical diseases with them.So we get infected too.Can’t you find such a center where you live or look for a dr who specializes in tropical diseases?I would go there and have it found out till the bottom.If there is no such Dr an endocrinologist is your best answer then.This is a way to live your life.Success:Colors
some very hot OLTL SPOILS TO SHARE?
Q: OLTL fans heard it here first when I said that a couple was being phased out and that’s exactly what they’re doing. Seems there is just no fire anymore for either of these characters. I warned you that OLTL was going to be the new 90210 with the parents in the background and the teens monopolizing the show and guess what, that crystal ball seems to be working. I’ll have to send Madame Delphina a nice fat check this month.Cole is high when he gets behind the wheel of a car and disaster strikes (this is further down the road). Matthew will be a first hand witness to this and another child is hurt when they are diagnosed with cancer. This is a make or break situation for one couple on the show. Marty is arrested for murder and we can all wave goodbye to Wes (be nice, now wave goodbye to the nice man and blow him a kiss). Who really did the deed you might be asking yourself? Did Marty suddenly become a Borgia overnight? Hmmnn…I see a dark haired woman…a beautiful woman…..a boringly beautiful woman and she and she….oh well……it’s gone now..Notice how a certain Llanview hottie seems to be getting less and less airtime? Well there’s talk of abolishing an entire family save for the one recurring member who is rarely seen as is. The door will be left open of course. It always is. Speaking of doors, one is about to hit a certain actress in the behind if she doesn’t start singing a different tune. They love her, but they don’t love the constant lamenting. Speaking of lamentation, many seem to be struck by this disease on set. The atmosphere has been shall we say…tense lately.Audition Script summary for Rachel Gannon OLTLI also put this out nearly two weeks ago, but for anyone that missed it, here it is again:The scene opens with Nora and Rachel in Asa’a mansion talking. Rachel asks Nora why she is being so hard on herself. Nora says it’s because she can’t look at Matthew without wanting to strangle Cole. Nora goes on to say that she will never understand any of this. How Cole was fine and never touched drugs even when he was grieving. How he never touched them until after Marty returned. Then he gets behind the wheel of a car while he’s high, with a kid who was like his own brother and does this terrible thing.Rachel asks Nora why she bothered to make a deal for him then. Why not go for the max. Nora says because it wouldn’t help Matthew. Rachel says she knows why. Because Nora thought of her and how she wanted to help Cole, not punish him the way she would have helped her that way. Nora says that the drug rehab facility is tough. They do random testing and if Cole is caught using again, he goes to Statesville end of story.Rachel goes on to talk about her past with drugs. How even something like this might not have stopped her so it may not stop Cole. How tenacious drugs are and how they take over your whole life. Nora goes on to talk about how hard it will be for Cole and how tough it is on them now that Matthew is coming home. That she, Clint and Matthew will all be under the same roof again and have to make things work. Rachel takes her hand and reminds her that it’s one day at a time. Scene ends.]Ok guys time to freshen up as we have a look st some of the scoops and spoils coming in the next couple of weeks…. OLTL Section Here!ABC Hot Sheet:Just as Todd has narrowly escaped a jail sentence for the umpteenth time, he could be facing yet another. He’s returned home to find the corpse of one Lee Halperin, former hooker — and witness for the prosecution. Knowing this means a one-way ticket back to the slammer for her favorite client/ex-husband (after all, he had the most to gain from her death), Tea takes the fall and claims she killed Lee in self-defense. But will anyone at the Llanview PD buy her story? And more importantly: Who DID kill Lee?Starr’s not having an easy week, either. After she lied on the stand last week to protect Todd, Nora decides to charge Starr with perjury. Meaning, Starr could be in very, very deep trouble. Determined to save his daughter, Todd’s prepared to confess to everything to get Starr off the hook. But once he does, does that mean goodbye Llanview, hello Statesville?Meanwhile, Clint Buchanan heads the family’s effort to ensnare David before Dorian can. Or more specifically, before Dorian gets her hands on the Buchanan money. Everyone’s on the hunt for the long-lost Buchanan heir, but it looks like they’re all too late — because David accepts his ex-wife’s proposal, and they catch the next plane to Vegas.Clint sends Rex and Gigi to follow Dorian to Nevada and stop any sort of wedding. But they make an interesting discovery of their own inside a gentleman’s club, where they meet a stripper (also) named Gigi, played by Guiding Light alum Crystal Hunt. Will “what happens in Vegas, stay in Vegas”? Doubtful, because that stripper is following them back to Llanview. What’s the deal?All this, PLUS: Wes may not be revea
A: Great stuff. I hear the couple is Micahel and Marcie, so if they leave, when the truth comes out about Starr’s baby..will she keep her? The stripper was rumored to be Talia’s sister but it seems they have changed their minds.I hope COle gets over this drig business, we have already been down this road withhim.
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