What kinds of cancer does dipping cause

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Dippers increase their risk for oral cancer. It can include cancer of the lip, tongue, cheeks, gums, & floor & roof of the mouth. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kinds-of-cancer-does-dipping-cause ]
More Answers to “What kinds of cancer does dipping cause
How long until dipping causes cancer?
We don’t have this kind of oral snuff in UK (or at least not unless you’re from an Arab country and chew quat) so you can’t imagine how horrible it sounds to us. Why don’t you try Nicotine lozenges 4g? You suck them slowly, they’re clean…
Does dip cause cancer?
yes it does. all over your lips/gums/tongue.
Why does dip cause lip cancer
Yes, the use of chewing tobacco can cause oral cancer. Have another question? Just ask ChaCha!

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Can you get arrested for using tobacco as a minor? ?
Q: I just started dipping smokeless tobacco, that I get from my brother (He’s 15. I’m 14). Do not start on the dangers, I don’t do drugs, drink, or smoke, but I enjoy it and know the risks and don’t need to be told. I look very much 18, a couple of times people have asked me if I play baseball or some other sport in my senior year, because I’m wearing the shirt. So, I’m sick of bombing it off my brother, I got 5 dollars, and want to buy some. I have several questions. What are the chances I’ll get carded? I have a deep voice, look 18, hell even have long sideburns and lots of facial hair. Also, can they do anything if they try to card me and I don’t have one? Can they call the cops? Can I get taken to jail if I have it and a cop sees it? Also, off topic, but what is a kind that is somewhat cheap that I should try? Thanks(DO NOT tell me to quit, or that it cause cancer, I’m fully aware. I just want the question answered, thank you!)
A: ok If they ask you for your id, look in your wallet and be like damn i left it in the car, and leave… its really not that hard, your not going to be arrested unless you start a scene,
how is my essay plz give advice!?
Q: well here it my perswasive essay. plz read it its a first draft and well it was sick when i wrote it so if it sounds a little odd in a scentence it cuz i was tired. Title Linda McCartney once said, “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone in the world would be a vegetarian”.Attention grabber opener when you look down at your plate u see dinner but what was it before dinner? It was a living, breathing, feeling animal.Opinion statement Farm animals destined to the slaughter houses should be treated with care and respect so they at least have a good life. When they are in slaughter houses they should be killed quickly and painless but sadly it’s the opposite. Reason#1 an animal that is going to be slaughter does NOT have a good life and it doesn’t end with a happily ever after.Evidence But you would think they would be happy to get out and have it end. Well you’re wrong. When cows are in a slaughter house they can smell blood and the cries of fear. Their fear causes adrenaline to go through their system and then who ever orders a burger eats it. People don’t know what really happens in slaughter houses and most don’t want to know. But more people should know. The full process to slaughter a cow is very painful and disturbing. It includes removing their horns by pressing a hot iron and them for 30 seconds per horn. Roosters are luckier (or what the cows would call lucky) they are gassed right away. For horses they have one chance to be saved from the slaughter houseWhat kind of evidence is it? _________________________________________Reason #2 I can’t stress it enough that animals are treating HORIBOLY in slaughter houses, but they also live a cruel life.Evidence before the slaughter house, like many people knows chickens live in small cramped cages and they can’t even move. When shipping pigs they cram then into a truck. Some are on top of others and there isn’t any room to move or breath. It’s like how they make veal, people but a calf in a crate they the cant move at all in so their muscles can’t grow. Some of them never see sunlight till they are transferred to the slaughter house.What kind of evidence is it? _____________________________________Reason#3 there are people that just don’t eat meat all, others just cut back from it. Evidence most people I know of want to stop eating meat but cant because they like it so much, it’s like a drug to them. There are people that think they not eating meat will make u unhealthy or stunt your growth, but really the only negative affect is that you will need to find an alternative to get protein. Just drink more milk and take vitamins. Without all the meat you consume less fat. I’ve never had a meal of meat and either has my family scence my great grandpawho was in time magazine for it. Also people who eat red meat have 20% more of a chance of having cancer.What kind of evidence is it ________________________________________Reason#4 some people care but most don’t.Evidence when people say that 20% of farms let their animals live a long nice life they just don’t want to think that what they are eating suffered a great deal. Under covert tapes show that the workers play games with the chickens like trying to get as many as they could on one hook when the machine stopped. In slaughter houses they slowly kill the animals. For the cows they take they apart little by little and sometimes let them layout for weeks. Another under cover tape shows pigs stuffed in a crate being slowly dipped into a tank of water. For Mc Donald’s it wouldn’t cost anything for them to kill the animals differently. People could get in a lot of trouble for leaving a house with your pet there to die but when there are buildings all over the world that kill animals in the worst ways nothing happens.What kind of evidence is it? _____________________________________________Conclusion Animals that give us so much including their life have been treated with the least amount of respect and care. People need to eat meats that have labels on it saying that it is Kosher or humane certified meats. Slaughter houses should be shut down unless they are accepted by the humane society. When animals are treated so badly and the only thing we get form it is a good taste that soon goes away then why do we fight arguments about it and have people breaking the law to stop it?THANKS!!!
A: Wow, there is a lot of information in there. My suggestion would be to make an outline of your essay. Take each section and write about one topic. The title suggests you are writing about slaughter houses and the horrors inside. The attention grabber backs up your topic which is great. The opinion statement has two separate ideas which need to be written about in separate paragraphs in the body of the essay. If you are going to write about not eating meat it needs to be mentioned in your opinion statement. Try grouping all the thoughts on the slaughter house in one section of the body and thoughts on farm life in another. The conclusion should mirror the opinion statement and back up the body of the essay. It sounds complicated but making an outline makes it easier. Hope that helps.
I am scared! I made a huge mistake?
Q: Ok I did dip or tobacco only 3 TIMES. Those times were just to kind of act cool. None of my friends do it nonstop so there teeth are clean and normal they do it probably over 30 times. I stopped now so dont give tell me that I need to stop cause Im stopping no matter what! Im scared because I am only 14 and my bottom teeth bleed when I brush sometimes and one of my teeth gums has receded just a little. They are also dirty on the bottom but I know that that is normal. I have braces. I am just scaed because Im not even a person who does that stuff and I am afraid I might have mouth cancer. I am hoping only good news! 10 PTS BEST ANSWERE!
A: just go to the dentist or doctor so they can check them.if you really have mouth cancer then the doctors will do something!
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