What kind of cancer can steroids cause

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Steroids can cause prostate cancer, along with many other types of cancer. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kind-of-cancer-can-steroids-cause ]
More Answers to “What kind of cancer can steroids cause
What kind of cancer can steroids cause
Steroids can cause prostate cancer, along with many other types of cancer.

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Could AAS and natural test boosters cause prostate cancer at 20’s?
Q: Hello. I am sorry if my english is bad.I am a 22 years old male. I know PC is extremly rare at this age but I have reasons to think I have this disease.In the last few days i feel my prostate bigger in me especially when I sit down. I don’t have any problem urinating and my urine jet is strong (I don’t know if it has to do with the fact that I drink at least 3 litters of water each day). But tonight I searced over the interner about prostate cancer and prostate adenome and I found out that the doctor can find out if you have one or another by putting a finger in your but and touching the prostate. If it is soft and has elasticity even if it is big it might be an adenome but if it is hard like wood it is probabily cancer. Scared, I tried this evening in the shower this method and I felt my prostate hard (even if I don’t have another model of comparation).I want to mention that I went to the gim last 3 years with some brakes and I took some nutritonal suppliments like natural testosterone boosters (made by one of the best suppliment companies) wich also contained dihydtrotestosteron(DHT) blockers, DHT beeing the major reason of prostate cancer. But I also took some mild anabolic steroids a few times but very small doses and for very short periods of time. (I am not sure if I am allowed to tell the names of the substances or products)All the month of september I took the natural testosterone booster I am talking about and last few days I felt the first time the weird sensation like my prostate is bigger and havyer.Please tell me what do you think about my worries and take the fact that I don’t have urinating problems at all. I know only a specialist can tell for sure but do you think is prostate cancer or adenome?Thank you kind.PS: If you reply I will apreciate if you really know what you are talking about.
A: Of course a urologist is the one to ask. I have heard of young males with your complaint, and they were non cancerous. . ( We don’t talk about such things in polite company) Don’t mess around trying to self medicate. First a Doctor, a healthy low fat diet, lots of fish, and sensible exercise, stretching, fast walking, no juices, lots of water. I have heard pomegranates and cranberries might help as an antioxidant. cranberries are in the frozen section all year round and it is better to eat the whole fruit. Pomegranates, that is another thing, they are hard to eat and are way over priced in the market, maybe I’d buy the juice if it were pure.
My dog had mast cell tumor removed, now showing signs of anemia?
Q: Before anyone says it – yes I have an apt with the vet tomorrow. Hopefully the vet will be able to help.She had a mast cell tumor removed in October, biopsied as Stage 2, very clean edges so they believe they got the whole tumor. The vet said that treatment options included steroids, chemo & radiation… I asked about side effects and when he started listing them off I said NO. I have no desire to make my sweetheart of a dog suffer, just so I can selfishly keep her in my life for a few more months. What would her quality of life be? What would she want me to do? Moving along… the incision heeled, I changed her diet to a homemade anti-cancer diet. My thought was if the cancer hasn’t spread then the diet should help keep it from spreading and if the cancer has spread the diet will slow or stop the cancer from growing (these are scientifically proven facts here… which I have extensively researched and read about, so don’t bother if your going to criticize me).She has been doing just fine… still plays ball as well as ever, gets into the same trouble, chews the same bones and so on. Today I thought… something just doesn’t look right so I investigated further. The pads on her paws that are normally pink look white. Her gums look whiter than usual, same goes for the inside of her eyelids. So my best guess, semi educated… she is anemic. Mast cells can morph and cause bone cancer which would explain the anemia.I don’t want my dog to suffer, and I am going to go to the vet and see what he says… and what I can do for her. She still isn’t showing any signs of being sick. What should I watch for that would mean she is getting sick or sicker. She’s still eating & drinking, runs around etc. What are the signs that she is suffering? How do I tell when it is time to let her go in peace?This is a serious topic and I am very emotionally fragile right now so I AM BEGGING YOU… ONLY HELPFUL, KIND AND USEFUL INFORMATION PLEASE!
A: First off, I congratulate you for going with an anti cancer diet! It is not phony at all and it can greatly enhance the quality of life of a dog and make them live (happily) for many years longer than they otherwise would have.As long as she isn’t showing any signs of being sick, now is not the time to consider euthanasia. When the time comes for you to let her go in peace, you will know it. Trust me.My deepest condolences, my German Shepherd had hip dsyplasia and mast cell tumors at the same time. He couldn’t walk anymore and he was not happy so we came to the conlusion that the only fair and loving thing to do was to let him go. He died shortly before Christmas several years ago.If you really love your dog, sometimes euthanasia is the most loving thing you can do for it, despite how much it hurts you. However, from your description, now does not seem like the time. She has much life left to live! 🙂
Hard, bony lump on rib?
Q: I recently went to the doctor because of some pain I was having on the right half of my rib cage and my back. I was diagnosed with costochondritis (inflammation of the cartilage in the rib cage, caused by sever coughing, getting hit, even laughing) and I was put on a steroid to reduce the swelling. One evening I was massaging my aching side when I came across a lump on one of my ribs…I had never noticed it before. It’s hard and smooth, and it feels like it’s part of the rib, but it kind of sticks out, and it’s not on my other side. It’s not visible, I have to feel for it, but it is definitely noticeable. I went back to the doc to get it checked out, and she felt of it and said that “it feels like part of your rib”. I had also had some x-rays done earlier that week for the costochondritis, and she looked at those and said that they were fine…and that if it were cancer it would most likely show up as bone deterioration.But despite this, it still has me very worried, because in all my internet searches, I can’t find a cause for it other than some kind of horrible cancer…I don’t have any of the telltale symptoms for cancer (night sweats, rapid weight loss, loss of apatite, bruising, anemia, fatigue, high fever, nausea, vomiting, etc) but the lump is to large to ignore. It’s probably about the size of a quarter, maybe a half dollar. The lump seems to be confined to just one rib. Oh, and it’s not really painful to the touch, but it’s hard to tell, because I’ve been poking at it so much. Does anybody know what it could be? Do ribs sometimes just grow like that? I’m a 17 year old male, by the way, and something of a hypochondriac. Thanks in advance,~Connor
A: It is impossible for anyone to tell by your description what this lump could be. You probably should go to another doctor for a second opinion as you are in the right age group for this to be a type of cancer called sarcoma. A sarcoma develops in bone, cartiliage, tendons, ligament, fat, or the soft tissue in the body. It can appear as an unexplained lump or bump growing anywhere in the body . . most sarcoma can co-exist inside the body until it is large enough to interfere with surrounding tissue. Which means the only symptom is the lump. So, just from your description it is not possible to tell what you are dealing with.Seek a second opinion.
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