What is onset of cancer

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The onset of Cancer is the beginning stages of Cancer. You may feel sick or begin to lose weight and lose your appetite. Would you like other symptoms or types of Cancer? Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-onset-of-cancer ]
More Answers to “What is onset of cancer
Is the onset of lung cancer sudden?
Unfortunately, no. It is very slow. One can harbour lung cancer for many years. It comes to light only when the patient has a check up for other illnesses. Small cell lung cancer manifests with symptoms in other systems.
Does onset of cancer increase WBC in our body?
It depends on the cancer. Some can completely wipe out the WBC’s, like leukemia/lymphoma when they first start, then they could shoot it up to over 100000, i’ve seen both in patients.
What are early symptoms of cancer onset?
There are many different types of cancer and they can manifest themselves in many different ways. If you wait until you have unexplained weight loss, or other symptoms then you have long passed the “early detection” stage. If you …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are early symptoms of cancer onset?
Q: Early detection is avised.How can it be achieved ?
A: There are many different types of cancer and they can manifest themselves in many different ways. If you wait until you have unexplained weight loss, or other symptoms then you have long passed the “early detection” stage. If you suspect anything, go to your doctor. He will listen to your symptoms and decide the best course of testing. Certain cancers, like breast and testicular cancer can be watched for at home with a monthly self exam. Go on-line for the proper technique for either.
How does hatred of what we are affect us?
Q: I found it hard to form this question. This is my case. My darling Gwen and I met at our office and through mutual liking of classical music and a shared humor eventually realised our love after 3 years.While just friends, her family welcomed me and invited me to their church. When we moved in together, the position changed. Horrid Bigots is the only way I can describe it.At the end, I was away for a time and returned to find that Gwen had died from a rapid onset cancer. The family had her buried in the non concecrated part of their cemetary and inscribed her stone with “UNKNOWN TO GOD”.I suffered severe depression and am now recovering. I have received helpful advice from readers of “Answers”, but was wodering if such hatredwas commonplace.”The veil of tears shall lift as the last rain on a winter’s day,The setting sun sharply reflects, softly reveals then fades. Tomorrow WILL be a bright spring day, the delight of my beloved”Rose P.I should have said that we had many years together with the usual highs and lows.The repose of the spirit is the main thing.Rose P.
A: I have tears in my eyes ,after reading this all. I can read real love and sorrow through the lines.Nobody should ever go through all this.Its horrid that family do these things. Where is the family respect ? Unfortunately great things come to an end quickly and I really feel sad for you . You brought me bad memories, not that I will ever forget my late gf as I still remember her everyday. After reading your story ,I am happy that my gf never came out, at least she had a respectful funeral as deserved. I hope you are a little better now, and will have another chance to love,that is what your late girlfriend would want, she’d want you happy …. Please take care and if you need any further support , just click on my e mail in profile ! Take care !
What is the age onset for most cancer. Which cancers can and cannot be treated.?
Q: Like what cancer would a 16 year old mostly get and what kind of cancer would a 60 year old get. Does that matter or can anyone get anything.
A: Lucy has some interesting U.K. data in the sites she’s listed.She is correct that cancers follow no hard and fast rules – – BUT – -16 year olds do not have anywhere near the risk of cancer that a 60 years old has. Cancers are increasingly common as we age. The majority of my patients over 20 years as a cancer doctor were over 60 years of age.Wilm’s Tumors (Nephroblastomas) occur in kids rarely – usually before the age of 8.Acute lymphocytic leukemias may be seen in children along with some brain malignancies as noted in Lucy’s data.Hodgkin’s lymphomas can be seen in teens.Brain tumors are tough to treat, but nephroblastoma, ALL, and Hodgkin’s lymphomas are among the most curable of malignancies. Breast cancers, lung cancers, colon cancers, and prostate cancers are almost never seen in teens. These types are increasingly common at age 60 and beyond. The most difficult cancers to treat are pancreas cancers and the tobacco smoking related cancers – lung cancers, mouth and throat cancers, esophagus cancers, stomach cancers, and bladder cancers. Lucy’s U.K. data estimates that one third of all cancer deaths in adults could be prevented if people would not use tobacco. It is about the same in the United States. It is far better, and far less expensive for the health care system, to help people stop smoking rather than trying to treat all the smoking related cancers.16 year olds do not need to be overly worried about cancers. they are rare at this age. Your risk at 16 – accidents – especially auto accidents – and suicide. I lost my son when he was 18 – suicide. No one knew he had been depressed. Depression can also kill.Looking through Lucy’s sites again – I see I forgot to note the occasional bone malignancies such as Ewing’s sarcoma plus rare germ cell malignancies of the ovaries or testes. These can be seen in young people, but they are not common.
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