What is immune system damage

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A damaged immune system leaves our bodies susceptible to more sickness and infection than normal, but also leaves us more vulnerable to serious conditions such as cancer. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-immune-system-damage ]
More Answers to “What is immune system damage
What is immune system damage
A damaged immune system leaves our bodies susceptible to more sickness and infection than normal, but also leaves us more vulnerable to serious conditions such as cancer. ChaCha on!
Does Stress Damage The Immune System?
Does stress damage the immune system? That question can only be answered by first discussing the difference between acute (short-term) stress and chronic (long-term stress). While acute stress causes responses in the body that include boos…
How does HIV damage the immune system?
HIV attacks cells in your immune system. The cells that HIV attacks are called CD4 cells. Your CD4 cells fight off infections that make you sick. Because HIV attacks and kills your CD4 cells, you have less of them. You are more likely to ge…

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Can I rebuild my damaged immune system?
Q: I’ve had cancer for 6 years from 6-12 years old. Whenever I get blood labs done my blood counts are much lower than when I started out and they aren’t going up even a few years after the cancer. The doctors say that the Chemotherapy damaged my immune system so the normal levels are much lower. Is it possible to regain my immune system to a normal level by eating a certain diet or working out on a regular basis? Plz don’t answer unless you know what you’re sure about your answer.
A: Your doctors are correct about the chemotherapy. Unfortunately, cancer patients (even after remission) are much more prone to infection than the general population, because the treatment you received to kill cancerous cells also killed healthy cells in your immune system. You will probably always have a slightly less functional immune system than the average person, but don’t give up hope! If your treatments have stopped and you are in remission, your situation will improve. Think of it like growing up – it happens slowly, but it does happen. You are recovering, and so is your immune system. Take it easy and don’t push things too far too fast. Your body needs to regenerate white blood cells and build up an anti-body system to fight off infections. It will do so, but it takes time. Chemotherapy is a toxic treatment that breaks down the body’s natural defenses to attack the cancer, and so your body has to start all over with building up defenses once treatment ends. Have faith – it will get better!
How Do You, Or Can You Ever Get Your Immune System Back Up?
Q: If your immune system is damaged from prolonged antibiotic use, and you are having a hard time getting it back to normal,… does this mean it may never return to normal? If there are ways to get it back to normal….. what are those ways? I need to stay off antibiotics for a while. 7 rounds in one year has messed me up. I went from staph, to oral thrush, to re-occuring tooth infection and now an ear infection. Can someone please help. I’m going crazy here. Here’s what I’m doing now: garlic supplements, probiotics, water, fruit, veggies, vita C and multi vitamen. Please help… I can’t take this anymore. I was 100% HEALTHY with 100% Immune function before all this. I need to get rid of these infections and be healthy again. Thank you for your help.
A: Antibiotics have a very negative impact upon your immune system because in carrying out their work, which is the killing of bacterial infection, they can’t discriminate and kill the good bacterium as well as the bad.Something that would restore your immune system, dispense with the need for antibiotics and cure your thrush, oral and ear problems is a product called New Silver Solution.You can read all the test results here:http://www.mrsamedical.com/newsilversolutioninfo.htmTo understand how it works and how it discriminates between good and bad bacterium, read here:http://www.mrsamedical.com/newsilversolutionnews.htmThis solution really does work!Hope that helps you…P.S. Listen to the audio/video on the page listed below…
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