What does cigarettes cause in your body to do

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Smoking can really harm your body! It is the most common cause of cancers of the lungs, throat and mouth. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-cigarettes-cause-in-your-body-to-do ]
More Answers to “What does cigarettes cause in your body to do
What does cigarettes cause in your body to do
Smoking can really harm your body! It is the most common cause of cancers of the lungs, throat and mouth. ChaCha again!
What can cigarette cause in a person body?
It can cause lung cancer because of the tar.
Does smoking pot cause the black phlegm from smoking cigarettes t…?
He is wrong. I t does relax and it is less toxic than tobacco, but it is not an expectorant. You must be full of it(tobacco) to start coughing up black phlegm,; it normally is processed thru the liver , very slowly. It causes liver sclerosi…

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English to Turkish Translation about smoking?
Q: Can anyone translate the following:Hi Ercan, here is a little thing that will hopefully help you to realise why I want you to stop smoking. It’s not just for me, but because I want you to look after your health. Smoking is such a terrible habit and I know most people where you live smoke like chimneys. You know you are my everything Ercan, and I cant stand watching you smoke and knowing what you are doing to your body. It is also affecting me as I breathe in your second hand smoke, which has the same affects. I want us to have a long and happy life together, and I don’t want that to be compromised by smoking. So please Ercan, read this, take it in and stop smoking. These are facts. Believe me. What does smoking do to my body? Smoking causes many serious and fatal diseases including lung cancer, heart disease, bronchitis and emphysema. It also causes many other cancers, respiratory diseases, strokes and can affect fertility. Cigarettes contain over 4,000 toxic chemicals and around 50 of these cause cancer.Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas in cigarette smoke. It is also found in car exhaust fumes and produced by faulty gas appliances. It takes the place of oxygen in the blood, causing your lungs to work less efficiently. This stops cells all around your body from getting the oxygen they need. Tar is the sticky brown substance which stains your fingers and teeth. Tar causes cancer and damages your lungs. It stays inside your lungs, making tubes narrower and reducing your protection against infection. What’s in a cigarette? Cigarettes contain over 4,000 toxic chemicals and around 50 of these cause cancer. The three main toxins are nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar.Some other things found in cigarettes are:Acetone – Nail polish remover Ammonia – Toilet cleaner Arsenic – Rat poison Benzo(a)pyrene – Diesel exhaust fumes Carbon Monoxide – Petrol exhaust fumes DDT and Dieldrin – Insecticides Formaldehyde – Preservative for dead bodies Hydrogen Cyanide – Poison used in gas chambers Methanol – Rocket fuel Titanium – Metal used to make aeroplanes Haemoglobin from the blood of a pig is used in cigarette filters What are the effects of secondhand smoke? Breathing in secondhand smoke can damage almost every organ in the human body. It increases the risk of lung cancer by 24% and heart disease by 25%. Secondhand smoke is very dangerous for children because their bodies are still developing. Cot death is twice as likely for babies whose mothers smoke. Children who grow up in a smoking household are much more likely to suffer from asthma, middle ear infections, coughs, colds and wheezes. People exposed to secondhand smoke face the same dangers as smokers themselves. They breathe in the same poisonous gases and toxic chemicals so suffer from the same health risks.
A: Merhaba Ercan, burada neden sigarayı bırakmanı istediğimi göstereceğini umduğum birşeyler var. Bu sadece benim için değil, sağlığına dikkat etmeni istediğim için. Sigara içmek çok kötü bir alışkanlık ve biliyorum ki yaşadığın yerde çoğu insan baca gibi içiyor. Biliyorsun ki sen benim herşeyimsin Ercan. Ve sen sigara içerken görmeye ve vücüduna ne yaptığını bilmeye dayanamıyorum. Ayrıca bu beni de etkiliyor çünkü sen içerken dumanları soluyorum ve bunun da benzer etkiler var. Ben birlikte uzun bir hayatımız olsun istiyorum ve bunun sigara yüzünden riske girmesini istemiyorum. Bu yüzden Ercan, lütfen, bunu oku, anla ve sigarayı bırak. Bunlar gerçekler. Inan bana.Sigara içmek vücuduma ne yapıyor?Sigara içmek akciğer kanseri, kalp hastalıkları, bronşit ve amfizem gibi pek çok ciddi ve öldürücü hastalıklara neden olur. Ayrıca başka kanserlere, solunum hastalıklarına, felçlere ve üreme bozukluklarına da sebep olur. Sigarada 4000’in üzerinde toksik kimyasallar bulunur ve bunların 50 kadarı kansere sebep olur.Karbon monoksit sigarada bulunan zehirli bir gazdır. Aynı zamanda araba egsoz dumanında da bulunur ve bozuk gaz aletleri tarafından da üretilir. Karbon monoksit kanda oksijenin yerini alır ve ciğerlerimizin daha düşük verimle çalışmasına neden olur. Bu da tüm vücut hücrelerinin ihtiyacı olandan az oksijen almasına neden olur.Katran ise parmaklarda ve dişlerde leke bırakan kahverengi yapışkan bir maddedir. Katran da kansere ve akciğer harabiyetine sebep olur. Akciğerlerin içinde kalır, damarları daraltır ve enfeksiyonlara karşı koymayı zoraştırır.Sigarada neler vardır?Sigarada 4000’in üzerinde toksik kimyasallar bulunur ve bunların 50 kadarı kansere sebep olur. Üç ana zehir: Nikotin, Karbon monoksit ve katrandır.Sigarada bulunan diğer maddeler:Aseton- Oje çıkarıcıAmonyak- Tuvalet temizleyiciArsenik- Fare zehiriBenzo (a) piren- Dizel egzos buharıKarbon monoksit- Petrol ekzos buharıDDT ve Dieldrin- EnsektisitFormaldehit- Kadavra koruyucusuHidrojen Siyanür- Gaz odalarında kullanılan zehirMetanol- Roket yakıtıTtanyum- Uçak yapımında kullanulan metalDomuz kanından elde edilen hemoglobin- Sigara filtrelerindePasifi içiciliğin zararları nelerdir?Pasif içicilik insane vücudundaki neredeyse tüm organlara zarar verir. Akciğer kanseri riskini %24; kalp krizi riskini %25 artırır. Pasif içicilik çocuklar için, vücut gelişimleri devam ettiği için çok zararlıdır. Uykuda bebek ölümü görülme ihtimali sigara içen annelerde iki kat fazladır. Sigara içilen bir evde büyüyen çocuklarda astım, orta kulak iltihabı, öksürük, soğuk algınlığı ve nefes darlığı çok daha fazla görülür. Pasif içiciler de sigara içenlerle ayn tehlikelere maruz kalırlar. Aynı zehirli gazları ve toksik kimyasalları soluduklar için aynı sağlık risklerine maruz kalırlar.Hope it helps:) And i am free:):)
Possible child abuse?
Q: Sorry this is a little long, but please help me out with this.My ex and I have a 16 month old son. We both have 50% custody, and he attends daycare monday through friday. My ex is only 22 and lives with her parents, who are not the brightest people in the world.Her mother is a firm believer in herbal “mountain medicine,” yet is also a chain smoker. She claims that cow’s milk is worse for your body than cigarettes! Nonetheless, she also made my ex refrain from taking pre-natal vitamins during the pregnancy, and offered some type of gypsy powder as a replacement.Surprisingly, I was able to step in after the birth and feed my son formula, and actually take him to the doctor for his immunizations (which were strongly opposed by the crazy lady).If you have children, you most probably know that daycare causes your child to become ill many times. This fact was simply brushed aside by my ex and her mother, and they decided to victimize dairy products instead. They will not feed my son any type of milk or vitamin D supplement. I read some medical articles that state milk is a baby’s primary source for vitamin D, and without it, the child can develop “rickets.”I always thought rickets were just a joke, but it is actually the softening of the bones. Come to find out, my ex’s mother refused to give her milk as a baby, and she has been skinny as a rail her entire life, and has many bone and joint problems, as well as anemia. Go figure!Would this be considered some form of neglect, and if so, what can I do about it?
A: I thought this was a very interesting question and decided to do a little research. I found a few really good articles for you to check out. They are mainly about vegan parents who have either killed or severely malnourished their children with inadequate diets. It seems as though nothing can really be done until the child starts showing signs of malnourishment. Take care and good luck.”Severe nutritional disorders, including kwashiorkor, marasmus, and rickets, were seen in four children and were due to parental food faddism, which should perhaps be regarded as a form of child abuse. All disorders were corrected with more normal diets and vitamin supplements. In view of the potentially serious consequences of restricted diets being fed to children, families at risk should be identified and acceptable nutritional advice given. When children are found to be suffering from undernutrition due to parental food faddism a court order will normally be a necessary step in providing adequate treatment and supervision.””A Queens couple who fed their baby daughter a strict vegetarian diet, including homemade infant formula, were convicted yesterday of nearly starving her to death. A jury in State Supreme Court found the couple, Joseph and Silva Swinton, guilty of first-degree assault and two lesser charges. They were immediately taken into custody. Each faces 5 to 25 years in prison. The case, described in some headlines as the Vegan Baby Trial, attracted widespread attention beyond the couple’s Queens Village neighborhood. Prosecutors said that as exotic and sensational as it sometimes seemed, the facts were plain enough: a diet with no dairy products or infant formula is not adequate for a newborn child, and the parents should have known better. ”This community spoke through the jury and indicated that the weakest will be protected,” said Eric Rosenbaum, the prosecutor. ”The law protects children.” The results of the Swintons’ care, prosecutors and medical experts said, were disastrous. By the time the authorities intervened when the child was 15 months old, she was toothless, had rickets, broken bones and internal injuries. She was severely malnourished and weighed 10 pounds — less than half the normal weight for a young toddler. The girl, IIce (pronounced ICE), will be 3 in July and has been living in foster care since the authorities took her from her parents in November 2001. Prosecutors said yesterday that IIce was ”now on the growth scale,” and was physically progressing, but doctors suspect that she has neurological damage. Lawyers for the Swintons said they would appeal the verdict, noting that the first-degree assault charge included a finding that an offender had depraved intentions. Part of the Swintons’ defense had been that they were not knowledgeable enough about child nutrition and did not realize that they were endangering their child until hospital workers told them that IIce was sick. ”I don’t see justice here,” said Christopher Shella, a lawyer for Mrs. Swinton. ”That they made the wrong choice doesn’t make it depraved, given how much they cared about their child.” Mrs. Swinton, who is 32, gave birth to IIce at her home three months prematurely. They never received prenatal or postnatal care. In an interview yesterday as she waited for the verdict, Mrs. Swinton said she had been a wayward, 300-pound young adult when she decided to adopt the vegan diet. She and her husband of seven years, who is also 32, have been on it for several years. Mrs. Swinton said she chose not to breast-feed IIce. After trying to feed her different kinds of commercial baby formula for several months, the couple decided to put her on a natural foods diet. Examining the label on commercial baby formula cans, Mrs. Swinton said she tried to replicate the chemical composition with natural ingredients, including ground nuts and puréed fruits and vegetables. ”We were brand-new parents trying to do everything we could for her,” Mrs. Swinton said yesterday. She was rueful, noting that she had ”never even got a speeding ticket” and now faced prison. Amy Lanou, the nutrition director for the Washington-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, testified during the three-week trial that both vegan and vegetarian diets would allow breast milk, and barring that, soy-based baby formula. Mr. Rosenbaum, the prosecutor, said the care given to IIce was akin to what a child might offer to a ”pet gerbil.” He said that no matter what the parents’ intentions, their failure to seek any type of medical care as IIce’s condition worsened merited the criminal charges. In addition to assault, the parents were convicted of first-degree reckless endangerment and endangering the welfare of a child. They will be sentenced on May 16. “
Why do the majority of Christians frown on Marijuana and Psilocybin Mushrooms? Serious question!?
Q: Okay… Where in the Bible does is EVER talk about these things being bad (or really talk about them at all)? Weed is less harmful to your body then cigarettes or McDonalds, and THC is not addictive (physically, I do acknowledge that is is mentally habbit forming to an extent). The Bible says that god would not keep from man any good thing… Well, the Jews drank alcohol, which ANY doctor you go to will tell you that Alcohol is MUCH worse for your body then Marijuana… And Psilocybin mushrooms are the same thing… If you actually do some research (instead of just believing what they said in high-school about shrooms being very harmful), you’ll find that Psilocybin mushrooms not only cause any long-term damage to your body, but that the only “damage” they actually do is the gradual eating away of your stomach lining (after repeated [emphasis on REPEATED… As in, A LOOOOOOT] usage). Shrooms take nothing out of your body, and they leave no chemicals behind. They completely pass through your system. Plus, if you’ve ever actually tried them, you’ll know what a spiritual experience it is in an of itself.So why are the vast majority of Christians on a witch-hunt against these two plants?(DISCLAIMER!!! I’m not badmouthing, dissing, or making fun of Christianity… That isn’t my intention WHATSOEVER. What I’m hoping for, is to hear some of your opinions, and hopefully open up someone’s mind to the possibility that pot and shrooms AREN’T bad, just misunderstood by those people who refuse to give them a chance. Marijuana is healthier for you then alcohol, and MUCH less destructive. You can’t wind up in the hospital from smoking too much weed, like you can from drinking too much alcohol. You are MUCH less likely to make an ass of yourself and make decisions you regret when you’re drunk, then when you’re high… and the ratio of fatal traffic collisions as a result of weed to alcohol is 1 to 8 (one weed related fatal accident, for every EIGHT alcohol fatalities). Please keep the hostility to a minimum, and keep an open mind!)All this said, I think weed should be legal, and alcohol made more inaccessible… Which would probably be the case now if the pilgrims had come to America with a joint in their fingers, instead of a beer in their hand, heh.I left out the “Do Not” on the shrooms part. It should be “Do not cause any long-term damage.”I left out the “Do Not” on the shrooms part. It should be “Do not cause any long-term damage.”In regards to the comment about the negative side effects of shrooms… A. All of those things are also side effects of alcaholB. To “overdose” on shrooms, you would hafto consume 20lbs. of pure psilocybin… and since MOST shrooms only contain .4 grams of psilocybin, you should really think about if your stomach could even CONTAIN the +50lbs. of shrooms your would hafto eat…
A: i think the main reason why Christians frown upon ANY kind of substance at all, is that it can cause temporary “blindness” to otherwise simple situations. 1 Cor. 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body,” It is somewhat harder to “communicate” with God, and it is taught to keep a clear and open mind when worshipping Him. Hope I helped=]
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