What causes an ulceration in the mouth

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Causes of mouth ulcers include canker sores, Gingivostomatitis, Herpes simplex, Leukoplakia, oral cancer, oral lichen planus, and oral thrush. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-an-ulceration-in-the-mouth ]
More Answers to “What causes an ulceration in the mouth
What cause the mouth ulcer and how to treat?
There are many processes which can lead to ulceration of the oral tissues. In some cases they are caused by an overreaction by the body’s own immune system. Factors that appear to provoke them include stress, fatigue, illness, injury from a…
Why mouth ulcer occur? what are the causes of mouth ulcer??
They are the cause by a break in the skin Of the mucous membrane. The type of oral ulcers varies with a multitude of causes including physical or chemical trauma , infections from microorganisms, medications and sometime nonspecific proce…
What causes a mouth ulcer?
My little boy suffers terrible with them, this I know is due to him biting his gums. But no one really knows the exact cause of mouth ulcers but some people tend to get them more than others, especially if there is a family history of mou…

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A: I have a cat twith that also. Not a good long term prognosis. The monthly steriod shots have so many side effects, but I have tried many other ways to manage the condition. The mouth is the worst. Sometimes the poor cat cannot eat well.My cat is close to becoming diabetic due to the steriods.Hope yours has better luck!
Help with Nasal Congestion in Cat?
Q: Parker has been sick all his life. He was diagnosed with Calici and Herpes virus. His vet also thinks he probably has an auto immune disease of unknown type. He threw a clot into his back leg this summer but with physiotherapy his pulse in the leg is stronger and he walks better. He is 8 years old. For the past two years he has been taking doxycycline 100mg daily and every 5 to 6 weeks he gets a shot of Depo Medrol – a steroid. His mouth used to be a real mess but the removal of most teeth and excess tissue helped. A few months ago he also started taking Lysine paste with his food. This helped the inflammation and ulcerations in his mouth. He has been eating K/D for over a year and is force fed. But nothing has been helpful for his nose. He has copious amounts of mucus that either spill down his face or clog up and then the mucus runs out his mouth in long ropes. A lot of toilet paper gets used here. I run a cool mist humidifier for him (doesn’t help), we can only get nose drops like Dristan and Otrivin and they don’t help. I’ve tried vaporizers with Vick’s and various other additives – no help. All I can do is sit there and pick out his nose every hour or so and hope it stays clear for a bit. Most antibiotics have no effect on him. I have noticed that there are a lot of “natural” cures offered on the computer. I’ve tried a few that promised to boost his immune system but they did nothing so I am not eager to try more useless things. His nose does clear after he gets fed but I think it is the excitement and annoyance of being force fed that gets him sneezing and clearing his nose. His nose isn’t always as full of mucus but I have yet to discover a pattern to when and what causes it to clear. The steroid shot helps but not completely and obviously we would like to get away from the shots altogether. Any ideas or thoughts. He is not miserable or suffering so any thoughts along those lines are not welcome.Thanks for the link. Will try to order in a few months when stuff in mail will not freeze solid, Northern Ontario Canada right now -24 degrees.
A: Firstly, I want to tell you how lucky Parker is to have such a caring owner as yourself! I think it is terrific all the things that you have helped him with. Secondly, I know that you’ve said that you’ve tried various natural cures but that they did nothing for Parker, however, I am personally a strong believer in herbs as an alternative to allopathic medicines that are prescribed by Vets these days. That being said, have you tried using Respiratory Aid that is made by the Pet Wellbeing.com company?Both of my cats have cancer and one of them has trouble breathing. He often would have a lot of mucus and very raspy breathing too. I would give him 7 drops directly on his tongue of Respiratory Aid twice a day for about a month. I only started noticing a huge difference in my cat after using this stuff for about a month and a half. Most herbal formulas do require some time in order to build up in the cats body. Here is the link in case you have’nt tried it: http://www.petwellbeing.com/cat-cough-p75.cfmSomething else that I found helped, was letting him sit in the bathroom whilst I took a shower. The hot steam really seemed to help him sleep better at night.Good luck with Parker!
Is this a malpractice case?
Q: I don’t know how short I can make this without leaving pertinent details,but June of 2007 I began to develop terrible abdominal pains. Went to my PCP and was told it was an ulcer, pain got worse, went back, and he sent me to a GI Dr. who said it was an ulcer. As the days went on the pain became unbearable with my abdomen distended and I could not eat without severe pains about 3 hours after. The pain became so severe, it was exactly like labor contractions. What ever muscles are effected during labor, the same thing was happening with this. I went to my local ER, they took x-rays and CT scan and was told everything is normal. there is a small dialated area of the ileus,but thats not the problem. They gave me pain meds and told me to follow up withh my PCP. The pain grew worse, and I was unable to eat without excruciating pain. I ended up going to the hospital that my GYN worked out of, thinking it was scar tissue wrapping around something from my previous surgeries. My GYN performed a laperoscopy and said there was adhesions all over, like a film that covered my entire pelvic and abdomen area. He removed them, sent me home and 1 day later, after eating the pain was worse then ever. To back track a little, before the gyn operated, that hospital did numerous x-rays and ct scans which all showed the dialated ileus. which was getting larger with each X-ray/scan. I went back to the ER, they admitted me, inserted an NG tube, which released a lot of pain and pressure. I was on nothing by mouth diet on and off for a month. I was in and out of that hospital for a month. Each x-ray showed the dialation of the ileus and every Dr. dismissed that as being the source of my pain. They then decided I was making this up to obtain drugs. They also told my family this.And that I need to be locked in a room for a few days screaming, until I get over my “withdrawals” There are no words to describe the frustration I felt after hearing this. There was one Dr. there who knew I was very sick and he told my family to take me to another hospital(one of the top ones in the country) they took me there and I was admitted. They inserted the NG tube, took more x-rays and ct scans and also saw the dialted area, but was reluctant to operate for fear of causing more scar tissue, so they kept a close eye on me hoping if there was an obstruction, that it would go away on it’s own. Back tracking again….the last 3 x-rays at the previous hospital stated that there was suspicion of an early small bowell obstruction. The hospital I was at now, believed that was the problem also. My gyn from the other hospital was contacted to obtain my records and he told the current hospital “That I was crazy” he also said that to another Dr. who was trying to get me into NYuniversity hospital. That Dr. was a friend of my brothers. After that comment, the current hospital began to doubt me. I ended up in and out of that hospital for the entire month of August, everytime I ate I was in the worst pain and had projectile vomiting. My 13 and 14 year old kids had to witness all this. I was dying and noone was taking me serious any more due to the GYN’s comments and that previous hospital. I had no choice but to go back to the current hospital. My GI there said she is trying one last test, and then there is nothing more she can do. It was a capsule endoscopy. You swallow this capsule which is a camera and they attach you to a monitor which takes hundreds of pictures in the area where scopes can’t reach. 4 nights later, I was ready to die, I could not even drink without excruciating pain and vomiting, the next morning my GI Dr. called and said to report to the ER immediately. When I got there, she told me that “she is so sorry, and I was right the whole time, that the pictures showed numerous ulcerations, strictures and the capsule was lodged in that portion of my small bowell. They did emergency surgery and the walls of my small bowel had actually collapsed. A small bowel resect was performed. Now had the hospital and GYN took my symptoms and the x-ray results serious, i believe I would not have needed a bowel resect, not to mention the severe pain, emotional pain, and frustration I had endured for 3 months. The first hospital knew there was a prob;lem because the last 3 x-rays stated that there was suspicion of a blockage, but they did nothing, but basically call me crazy, all but one of those Dr’s who I credit for saving my life. The one who advised I go to another hospital. Last summer anothe blockage began to form from the scar tissue of the previous surgery.It was immediately removed so i did not have to suffer for months again. I contacted a malpractice lawyer via e-mail and tried to summarize this case (of course there are still more details) but this is the main ones. The attorney I e-mailed called and left a message on my phone that he would not be interested, but don’t let that stop me from finding one that would take the case. Can anyone tell me if i have aThanks so much for the detailed answers. It is greatly appreciated. Can anyone recommend a malpractice attorney in NJ?
A: Medical malpractice is professional negligence by act or omission by a health care provider in which care provided deviates from accepted standards of practice in the medical community and causes injury or death to the patient. Standards and regulations for medical malpractice vary by country and jurisdiction within countries.What youve said sounds like medical malpractice. It was negligence which led to physical and emotional injury. To form a case you need to prove these things: 1. A duty was owed – a legal duty exists whenever a hospital or health care provider undertakes care or treatment of a patient. 2. A duty was breached – the provider failed to conform to the relevant standard of care. The standard of care is proved by expert testimony or by obvious errors (the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur or the thing speaks for itself). 3. The breach caused an injury – The breach of duty was a proximate cause of the injury. 4. Damages – Without damages (losses which may be pecuniary or emotional), there is no basis for a claim, regardless of whether the medical provider was negligent.You would need to get the other doctors records of your case and have the doctors who eventually treated you testify for you in order to make a case.I would definitely keep looking for another lawyer to represent you and sue them for emotional and physical damages. I would not pay the hospital bills for that first hospital. Accusing you of being a drug addict and calling you crazy? Thats incredibly unprofessional. They also breached doctor patient confidentiality for telling your family that you were in drug withdrawal, even more so because it was untrue.
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