What are the ingredients in cigarettes that give you lung cancer

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Between 45 and 70 chemicals, including carcinogens, irritants and toxins, causing the harmful effects of tobacco use. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-ingredients-in-cigarettes-that-give-you-lung-cancer ]
More Answers to “What are the ingredients in cigarettes that give you lung cancer
What are the ingredients in cigarettes that give you lung cancer?
Between 45 and 70 chemicals, including carcinogens, irritants and toxins, causing the harmful effects of tobacco use.
What ingredient in cigarettes causes Lung Cancer?
It Funny how the american public aren’t educated about all the disgusting ingredients in cigarettes. I was actaully one of these people until i found out some of the crap that was in cigarettes. These include nicotine, tar, and carbon monox…

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Decide now. Marijuana!? Here are the facts, now tell me its wrong… im waiting..?
Q: Cannabis sativa- more commonly know as our friend Mary Jane. She has been subjected to irrational amounts of propaganda and biased judgement ever since the outlaw of marijuana in the first place. She has withered down to become nothing more than a poster in school or an essay written by a sad human product of our culture, forced to believe exactly what is expected of him. This is intended to be purely informational, but I hope to sway the opinions of at least some who had never considered the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits that derive from smoking marijuana, even on a regular basis. She means no harm.It is fair to consider America today as a health conscious culture. Although we do not always abide by what we may be aware of, (eg; eating a supersize hamburger every week can triple your risk of obtaining heart disease, yet we just love mcdonalds), it is beyond me that more of us are unaware of all the good mary jane can do for you! We are the same people that open health stores and shovel vitamins down our throats to the extent that we piss them out! First things first, I feel compelled to clarify a few myths about chronic marijuana users:1. Marijuana users have an increased risk of acquiring cancer.- As a matter of fact, inhaling any substance composed of burning carbon can increase your risk of throat, esophagus, and lung cancer. However, many people overlook the fact that THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) actual is a natural inhibitor to tumor growth. It almost guarantees safety in this aspect. Not to mention, marijuana smoke has a tendency to EXPAND the capillaries all throughout the body, as opposed to nicotine in cigarettes which CONTRACTS them, making it almost impossible to produce a cleansing effect. Also, a recent study from UC done to lab mice showed that they contracted cancer ONLY when exposed to unreasonable amounts of marijuana smoke- 1000 to 2000x greater than the average human marijuana smoker. Conspiracy? Contaminated Conclusions? In fact, if people are so concerned about marijuana and cancer, things such as vaporizers can be purchased to elminate any amount of carbon being taken into the body. The benefits outweigh the risks as you may soon come to learn. Actually, more clean and oxygenated blood can be distributed throughout the body while using marijuana due to the parasympathetic dilation of the capillaries. 2. Chronic marijuana smokers are lazy.- Don’t be ignorant, half of all americans are LAZY! So we get food stamps, government aid, free healthcare, etc. The so-called “laziness” assumed to be a characteristic of said “potheads” could easily be confused with a state of being purely american. People choose to be lazy for themselves. If this plant were the cause of laziness, why is it that many laborers in early africa actually puffed ganja while doing intensive work? SImply because it increased their senses of well-being, relieved their fatigue, and stimulated their appetite which thus gave them more energy to work. We are only lazy if we do not find an outlet for such energy, or find something productive to do with our time.3. Chronic marijuana users suffer from memory loss or impairment.- It is plainly fact that short term, yes marijuana can inhibit memory. However, there is a purpose for this regarding spiritual enlightenment that cannot be achieved without ‘letting go’ of some things, only temporarily. However, there are NO conclusive studies ever performed that prove marijuana to have a significant impact on long term memory. This is because THC is a chemical that only stimulates brain receptors and causes them to function differently, expanding perception. It does not harm or kill them as a toxin. All effects of marijuana can easily be cleared out of the brain in reasonably short periods of time. 4. Marijuana is an addictive and gateway substance.- We all should understand that there is no evidence of physical addiction to marijuana, it is all a state of mind. As for being a gateway to other substance abuse, that again is a decision that many people decide for themselves. Marijuana is not to be confused with a substance that “fucks you up”. It merely lends you perception. Nevertheless, if people want to get fucked up, then they will. Why is it that when the Dutch legalized marijuana in the 1970’s, there was actually a decrease in the use of cocaine and heroin? In my personal opinion, I prefer not to end up feeling cold, and shaky, and sick, and keep yearning for more.Now, I have more to say regarding a more spiritual and mental aspect of smoking herb. Now, consider any normal cicumstance. Our brain is full of conditioned responses, as proved by Sigmund Freud’s experiment regarding the salivation of dogs. It is this that creates many divisions of our society including that of social classes, castes, and racial conflicts. Our natural brain has the capability to involuntarily distort reality and create rationalizations causing
A: I couldn’t find my long rant about legalization, but I found my shorter version when I answered a similar question..Just not up for the ten paragraph typing job right now. so I’ll copy/paste instead.Legalize hemp. The industrial uses are all more environmental sound that the products that replaced hemp in the 1930s. People smoking it has never been the real reason it was made illegal, it was all about paper, fiber and oil. Synthetic fibers, plastics and logging/paper interests saw that they could eliminate the competition if they could demonize people who smoked. And it worked.
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