What are the Five Applications of DNA Technology

Health related question in topics Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the Five Applications of DNA Technology”,you can compare them.

Five programs of DNA Technology are: Cancer Genetics, Preclinical Models of Cancer, Detection Technologies, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-five-applications-of-dna-technology ]
More Answers to “What are the Five Applications of DNA Technology
What are applications involving DNA technology?
The ability to change the information used to build organisms. We have changed this information in fruit flies which tells their bodies to grow eyes on their knees. Or we can make strawberies make antifreeze which allows us to grow them in …
What are some practical applications of DNA technology?
1. Cloning. 2. Fixing hereditary diseases. 3. Making a certain amount of microorganisms to excrete certain substance as its metabolism byprodut 4. Making a better plants or animals. The ones who produce more meat, milk, fur, etc.
Can you explain the practical applications of DNA technology:?
DNA is the complete structure of our life, therefore in disease DNA i checked to see if the illness if hereditary or if you have an issue with chromosomes, such as having an extra one. These types of problems lead to things like Down Syndro…
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