What are the effects on a person with hepatitis c

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A person who has Hepatitis C may experience fatigue, fever, nausea or poor appetite, muscle and joint pains, and tenderness in the area of the Liver. Some complications are liver failure, liver cancer, and Cirrhosis of the liver. Have a good day! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-on-a-person-with-hepatitis-c ]
More Answers to “What are the effects on a person with hepatitis c
What are the effects on a person with hepatitis c
A person who has Hepatitis C may experience fatigue, fever, nausea or poor appetite, muscle and joint pains, and tenderness in the area of the Liver. Some complications are liver failure, liver cancer, and Cirrhosis of the liver. Have a goo…
How fast does Hepatitis B & C effect a person?
there is no way to tell since both of these are viruses. it depends on the persons individual body reactions. there are many side effects of both diseases, which one will happen is hard to say. the most common side effects are : depression …

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A: there is no straight answer it depends on each person but it will cause there liver to deteriorate slowly i know someone in that situation now they have had hep c for years and has also had a major heroin addiction for over ten years and so far shows no sign of hep c
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A: Gee, why don’t you try doing your own homework.
Ribovirin vs pregnancy?
Q: Are there any couples out there that have had a succesfull pregnancy while one of the two people involved were on Ribovirin, a drug used to combat and sometimes cure Hepatitis C? Do you or anyone you know have had an overall healthy child while either person was using such medication. If not, what side effects, deformities or handicaps was the child born with?
A: My friend’s child was born with down syndrome because of it.
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