Is tea better for you’re body than coffee

Health related question in topics Food Drink .We found some answers as below for this question “Is tea better for you’re body than coffee”,you can compare them.

Tea is better than coffee, but coffee has several health benefits, including a reduced risk of liver cancer. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is tea better for you’re body than coffee
Is tea better for you’re body than coffee’re-body-than-coffee
Tea is better than coffee, but coffee has several health benefits, including a reduced risk of liver cancer. ChaCha on!

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Do you think this would be a good diet..? a soup diet I seen on the net..?
Q: After only 7 days of this process, you will begin to feel lighter by at least 10 and possibly 17 lbs., and have an abundance of energy. Continue on this plan as long as you wish to feel the differences.The Soup1 OR 2 CANS OF TOMATOES (I.E. STEWED)3 LARGE GREEN ONIONS1 LARGE CAN OF BEEF BROTH (NO FAT) OR CHICKEN BROTH1 PKG. LIPTON SOUP MIX (I.E. CHICKEN NOODLE OR ONION)1 BUNCH CELERY2 CANS GREEN BEANS OR FRESH BEANS2 GREEN PEPPERS2 LBS. CARROTSSeason with salt, pepper, curry, parsley (if desired) or boullion (Bovril) or hot sauce (Worcestershire).Cut veggies in small to medium pieces.Cover with water and boil fast for 10 minutes.Reduce heat to simmer and continue cooking until veggies are tender.This soup can be eaten any time you’re hungry during the week. Eat as much as yowant, whenever your want. This soup will not add calories. The more you eat, the more you will lose. Take a thermos with you if you will be away during the day. DRINKS:Unsweetened juices, tea (also herbal), coffee, cranberry juice, skim milk, or water, water, water, …——————————————————————————–DAY ONE:Any fruit, except bananas. Cantaloupe and watermelon are lower in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today.DAY TWO:All vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed with fresh, raw, cooked or canned veggies. Try to eat green, leafy veggies, stay away from dry beans, peas or corn. Eat veggies along with the soup. At dinner time tonight, reward yourself with a big baked potato and butter! Do not eat any fruits through the day.DAY THREE:Eat all the soup, fruit and veggies you want Do not have a baked potato. If you have eaten as above for three days, and not cheated, you should have lost 5 to 7 Ibs.DAY FOUR:Bananas and skim milk. Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much milk as you can today. Along with the soup, bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates as is milk, but on this particular day, your body will need potassium and carbs. Proteins and calcium to lessen cravings for sweets.DAY FIVE:Beef and tomatoes: You may have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes, or as many as 4 tomatoes on this day. Eat the soup at least once today.DAY SIX:Beef and veggies. Eat to your heart’s content of the beef and veggies today. You can even have 2-3 steaks if you like with green leafy veggies, but no baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once today.DAY SEVEN:Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and veggies. Again, be sure to stuff yourself and also eat the soup. You can add cooked veggies to your rice if you wish.
A: The only good diet is eating well balance meals every day from all four food groups. Limit your intake of sugar and processed foods. Healthy eating and exercise is the only safe and permanent way to reduce and maintain an ideal weight. For starters take a look at the Food Guide. It shows you the number of servings per group. (Personally, I think the breads and cereals are too high at 5-10 servings and the meat and meat alternatives is too low at 2 servings.) Get a referral to a dietitian or go on line to find your ideal weight based on body mass index (BMI) and calculate how many calories you need to eat a day. Any time you starve or deprive your body of foods, your body will retaliate and crave foods or put on more weight later.
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