Is hookah smoke as bad as cigarette smoke

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All smoking is bad for your lungs and raises cancer chances greatly. – Thank you for using ChaCha! Text back soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is hookah smoke as bad as cigarette smoke
Which is better to smoke, cigarettes or hookah?
GENEVA (AP) — Water-pipe smoking may pose the same health risks as cigarettes, the World Health Organization said Tuesday, adding that more scientific research was needed into the link between hookah use and a number of fatal illnesses. “…
Can you smoke hookah tobacco in a cigarette?
not the same way you would normally smoke a cigarette. There are some cigarettes called eclipse which is essentially a hookah cigarette, containing a coal at the tip of the cig. The cig never gets shorter and they work like you would expect…
How to get rid of hookah/cigarette smoke smell in room.?
The best solution would be to buy an air purifier. Make sure it has a carbon filter as well as HEPA filter. Google for best air purifiers. Make sure the one you buy has capacity for your room size. Use either a cigarette snuffer or and asht…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is hookah smoke just as bad?
Q: I just started smoking a hookah…and got to thinking….I really hope this isnt as unhealthy as smoking cigarette/ cigar tobacco..and/or does it have the same chemicals/health side effects….Let me make this clear. Dont answer unless you can show me something that is undeniably true and/or from a medical website or…SOMETHING IRREFUTABLE!!!!thanksI simply put the flavored tobacco I buy from the hookah store in it…does it have same chems as reg cigs and cigars?
A: Depends what is put in the hookah.
Is smoking hookah as bad as smoking a cigarette?
Q: Every like 1-2 months I go to a hookah bar and I smoke a little hookah.Is it really going to have an affect on me? I am 16 years old.Any help would be great. Thanks. 🙂
A: both are bad, but shisha is straight tobacco and molassesthis doesn’t contain any tar or any other chemicals found in cigarettes.
Is hookah/sishah smoking really as bad as cigarettes?
Q: Studies claim that hookah smoking is as bad or worse than cigarettes due to the volume of smoke you are inhaling. I do not believe this. When I smoke 1 cigarette, I feel sick for a day and can feel the effect on my breathing. When smoking hookah for hours on end, I get no such effects. My lungs feel fine, and I don’t feel any difference in doing cardio exercise etc.Do these so called studies take into account that hubbly smoke is a lot less dense than cigarette smoke?
A: I dont know if its AS bad but it definitely is bad. You are still inhaling smoke?
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