Is chemotherapy the only way to treat cancer

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Radiation, Surgery and Chemotherapy are the three primary ways to treat cancer. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is chemotherapy the only way to treat cancer
Is chemotherapy the best way to treat cancer?
Years ago my grandma had stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, and colon cancer that had all reached throughout her body and into her lymph nodes. Her doctors only gave her a few months to live – if that. So she made out her obituary and got r…
Why is chemotherapy an affective way to treat cancer??
Chemotherapy is effective against cancer cells because the drugs love to interfere with rapidly dividing cells
Are there any successfull ways other than radiation and chemother…?
combination radiation and chemo is the best known treatment available. there are always studies and clinical trials being done but the most common treatment course is still chemo/rt

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are there other ways of treating cancer other than chemotherapy?
Q: i read chicken soup for teenage souls and the stories are based on real incidents. many of the teens have lost parents who had cancer. i feel chemo is not a solution for cancer because u only suffer thru the whole process, lose hair and keep throwing up. And it is terrible to see the patient suffer. and it is not that the cancer gets eradicted. my frnd’s sister died of leukemia 2 years ago. She had a bone marrow transplant . The cancer went away but after 2 months it returned and she was in worse shape. She died a painful death. and it was heart breaking to see my frnd during those tough times. So i’d like to know if there are other ways to cure malignant tumours.
A: Chemotherapy is only one modality or one part of treatment. The reasoning behind chemotherapy is that it is systemic, which means it is given through an IV directly into the blood stream. The goal is to kill any microscopic malignant cells that you cannot see . .the ones that have broken off from the larger tumors and are now spreading through the body . . this is called metastatic cancer. Metastatic cancer can travel through the blood stream and the lymphatic system and set up whole new cancers anywhere within the body. This is what makes cancer deadly, the spread and than the inability to locate and find metastatic disease before it invades other organs. Chemotherapy targets those malignant cells (which can measure in the hundreds and thousands, if not millions of malignant cells in the body). Without chemotherapy a patient with stage IV disease has little chance to survive after those hundreds of cells begin to grow. In the past the body was so quickly overwhelmed that few patients lived past a few months. Today there are hundreds of different types of chemotherapy . . and depending on the type of tumor and the stage of disease the chemotherapy will be different. Some chemo is extremely toxic to kill off aggessive and relentless disease . .however there is no guarantee that the chemo will work for each individual. So different combinations are used in hopes of stopping the spread of cancer. There is no cure for cancer . . so it is always, always a chance.Early stages of cancer can sometimes be treated with just surgery and radiation . but than no one knows if a few malignant cells escaped detection or not. Systemic chemotherapy has a chance of eliminating cancer that you cannot find . . but it doesn’t always get where it needs to go . .which is why some people fail with the chemo. Chemotherapy is always a chance. But, used with surgery, radiation, and other types of treatment a patient has the best chance of surviving.I’m sorry about your friend. Research at the moment is concentrating on finding chemo drugs that are effective and less toxic in the long run to the human body. There have been some success in some cancers . . enough that some cancers are being treated as a chronic disease where a person will take medication to control the cancer. (Much the way that diabetics take insulin to control their disease).And, I must tell you that you are wrong about chemotherapy. My son was 17 at diagnosis and had tumors the size of volley balls scattered within the abdomen. He had five high dose chemotherapy drugs for over nine months. He was not expected to survive even the first month . . but he did . . he responded significantly to chemotherapy and his tumors shrunk 75 percent in the first three months. This was enough to allow him to become a candidate for surgery. He is still fighting over two years later . . and I can assure you that chemotherapy has played a HUGE part in him still being with us. Chemotherapy is not perfect, nor is the whole solution, but it does stem the spread of disease, it does shrink tumors, and it can bring cancer under control. The best treatment however, still is complete surgical removal when possible. But chemotherapy has its place too.
Cancer question?
Q: In America, why is the only acceptable way to treat cancer through the use of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery? Why are other methods shunned on? I ask this question, because my uncle recently beat his cancer through a program called Jubbs Cell Rejuvenation, which is a program created by Dr. David Jubb, out of New York. Dr. David Jubb holds a PhD in neurobehavioural physiology from NYU, a Masters degree in sport physiology, trained olympians in Australia, and deeply apprenticed in the lineage of Toltec Shamanism for 15 years. He is a specialist in blood formation, NLP, Hypnoththerapy, cell rejuvenation, and far more subjects than can be listed here.His program has been proven effective by many people, including my uncle, who is living proof of someone who has beaten cancer without the use of radiation, chemotherapy or surgery. Why are these methods shunned on by conventional doctors?Thanks. It just irritates me that these methods are shunned on, yet, it saved the life of a man who I love and admire greatly. Dr Jubb is an amazing man, and I feel more doctors should truly research into what he does. It could save the lives of many.I understand that it hasn’t been researched enough, but isn’t his work an example of a proven method? This is proof that it isn’t a placebo, when the patient is actually cured of cancer. This isn’t an isolated case either. If Dr Jubb has SO much success, why isn’t his work researched by other professionals? The man is saving lives, no matter how you view his approach.
A: Traditions and customs evolve very very very slowly and most people are too brainwashed to even know that hey are totally brainwashed into believing that their GP knows everything.Conventional doctors don’t have the skills and knowledge to perform cell rejuvenation and are not particularly interested in it as it threatens their livelihood.Perhaps in the distant future cell rejuvenation will be more accepted.A web search for “cell rejuvenation” + jubb seemed to turn up commercial sites inviting you to buy books on cell rejuvenation. Perhaps cell rejuvenation ought to be publicised more in the newspapers but probably most brainwashed people would not believe these reports unless their conventional doctor recommended such treatment.
Treating Cancer with Gene Therapy in China??
Q: i’ve heard that Gene therapy is only approved in china as a standard way to treat cancer patients. in the rest of the world it’s just experamental, and only used in do you know any hospiatls in china who would do it?or if you could tell me about the best Cancer Hospitals in China.My father has lung cancer (stage 4) and he’s not fit enough for Chemotherapy. so Gene therapy might be the only way to cure him.
A: Hi,don’t know about gene therapy,however I can tell you about a nutritional product that is used in Japan and China as a primary treatment for cancer.It is called Beta 1,3-D Glucan.They have been using it since 1990s.It has shown remarkable anti-tumor activity against a wide range of tumors.It also helps people undergoing radiaton and chemotherapy by boosting the immune system.You can research it at Hope this helps you.
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