Is bone cancer hereditary

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Primary bone cancer is not caused by a faulty gene that can be passed down through families, as far as we know. But people who have particular genetic syndromes have a higher risk of some types of bone cancer than other people. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is bone cancer hereditary
Is bone cancer hereditary?
Few cancers can be linked to hereditary disease. Your cousin needs to find the exact name of the type of cancer your mother died from . . it sounds like she may have had a type of cancer called sarcoma . . but you need the exact name (Ewing…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is bone cancer hereditary?
Q: My cousin is concerned because her mom died in 1980with bone cancer. It started as a tumor in her shoulder and spread everywhere.My cousin is now the same age as her mother was when she contracted it, which was 40. So she is naturally concerned that she may get it.
A: Few cancers can be linked to hereditary disease. Your cousin needs to find the exact name of the type of cancer your mother died from . . it sounds like she may have had a type of cancer called sarcoma . . but you need the exact name (Ewings sarcoma, osteosarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, Fibrosarcoma). The types of hereditary cancer include pancreatic, colon, breast, kidney, and thyroid . . in general not bone cancer. But again you need to find the exact name of the cancer and research it.A good place to start is the American Society of Clinical Oncology the National Cancer Institute
ok my great grandmother(paternal), had bone cancer and my maternal grandmother?
Q: has cervical cancer, what are my odds of developing cancer. ido go for papsmear and breast exam. and is cervical cancer hereditary
A: Fewer than 10% of all cancer cases are hereditary.One study into cervical showed that sisters of women with cervical cancer may have a small increase in risk, but it isn’t known whether this is linked to faulty genes, or whether it is due to common lifestyle factors.Bone cancer is not hereditary; though there are some inherited genetic conditions that can lead to bone cancer – check this link, they seem to be rare. Scroll down about halfway doesn’t seem that you are at increased risk at all, and you are doing all you can to protect yourself by going for your smears and breast exams.
is cancer hereditary?
Q: I was wondering this because I’ve had elders in my famly pass away from cancer.different kinds but it was still maternal great-grandfather had stomach cancermy maternal grandmother had liver cancermy paternal grandmother had bone canceris there a possibility me and my daughter are at risk?what causes cancer anyway?
A: Unfortunetley cancer can attack anyone. You don’t even need it to be in your family.
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