Is bipolar disorder deadly

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Bipolar disorder itself is not deadly in that it will not kill the person directly like cancer but some have been known to commit suicide because of the effects and consequences of the disorder in their lives. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is bipolar disorder deadly
Is bipolar disorder deadly
Bipolar disorder itself is not deadly in that it will not kill the person directly like cancer but some have been known to commit suicide because of the effects and consequences of the disorder in their lives. ChaCha!

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Q: Is it safe for me to go cold turkey off of the 2mg of risperidone. I have been taking the 100mg lamictal for the same amount of time as the risperidone for bipolar disorder. Is it deadly to do this? what will happen?I first starting both medicines on May the 17th. now its july 10th
A: You should NEVER and I mean NEVER quit any psychiatric medication, risperidone included without consulting your doctor, and you should never quit any of them cold turkey. Instead, you should start by tapering down your dose. If you take one pill a day, reduce it to a half a pill at first. If you stop cold turkey you will have stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, excessive crying, panic attack type symptoms, anger management and temper control issues, the urge to sleep all the time, etc. Some people even become suicidal when they taper off this type of medication. Please don’t try to go off the medication without consulting your doctor first. You may be able to get a lower dose that will solve your problem.
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A: Hang in there kid. You are going through a rough time. Going through all the hormonal and psychological throes of puberty and adolescence does cause a turmoil of conflicting, confusing feelings and doubts.First thing you have to do is stop studying up on mental illnesses. Many medical or nursing students who studies diseases present with the associated symptoms. It is very common. Introspection just makes things worse.If you are really frightened for your health do see a doctor or a counsellor for reassurance. Best try to live clean, hang out with wholesome kids, eat healthy foods and try not to worry.I think one of the best therapies for someone in your situation is to help others who are less fortunate. Help an older person with chores, be kind to a smaller child, volunteer in an animal shelter. The huge issue is validating your existence. And the very best way is by helping others and thereby helping yourself. You are a valuable person who is going through the challenges of changing into an adult. Small children live a life that is controlled and confined. Older kids are half way thrust out the door into life and it can be disturbing and make them question themselves and their position in life. Hang in there.
Is Extreme Racism a Mental Illness?
Q: defining characteristic, in one’s environment have a particular and unusual significance. These delusions are usually of a negative or pejorative nature, but also may be grandiose in content. When these delusions are extreme, the person may act out by attempting to harm, and even murder, members of the despised group(s).Extreme racist delusions can also occur as a major symptom in other psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Persons suffering delusions usually have serious social dysfunction that impairs their ability to work with others and maintain employment.As a clinical psychiatrist, I have treated several patients who projected their own unacceptable behavior and fears onto ethnic minorities, scapegoating them for society’s problems. Their strong racist feelings, which were tied to fixed belief systems impervious to reality checks, were symptoms of serious mental dysfunction. When these patients became more aware of their own problems, they grew less paranoid—and less prejudiced.It is time for the American Psychiatric Association to designate extreme racism as a mental health problem by recognizing it as a delusional psychotic symptom. Persons afflicted with such psychopathology represent an immediate danger to themselves and others. Clinicians need guidelines for recognizing delusional racism in all its forms so that they can provide appropriate treatment. Otherwise, extreme delusional racists will continue to fall through the cracks of the mental health system, and we can expect more of them to explode and act out their deadly delusions. thoughts on this? should we begin treating racists like the mentally ill? maybe one day there will be a little white pill that will cure racism?first paragraph should read:Prejudice type: A delusion whose theme is that a group of individuals, who share a defining characteristic, in one’s environment have a particular and unusual significance. These delusions are usually of a negative or pejorative nature, but also may be grandiose in content. When these delusions are extreme, the person may act out by attempting to harm, and even murder, members of the despised group(s).as the article states..they see it as a symptom of mental illness. it does not imply everyone with a mental illness is racist.there are so many good answers but only one can be chosen. i’ll let the community decide. thanks everyone for your input!
A: It’s not a mental illness, it is extreme ignorance. “Extreme racist delusions can also occur as a major symptom in other psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder”. I have Bipolar and I don’t have extreme racism and nor my friends who have Bipolar.What next, laziness, hypersexuality, people who moan too much? Are we to have mental illness as an excuse for all traits and characteristics?
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