I have a bump on the side of my tongue and it hurts. What could it be

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A pre-cancerous lesion known as leukoplakia can cause a lesion on the tongue. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/i-have-a-bump-on-the-side-of-my-tongue-and-it-hurts.-what-could-it-be ]
More Answers to “I have a bump on the side of my tongue and it hurts. What could it be
I have a bump on the side of my tongue and it hurts. What could i…?
A pre-cancerous lesion known as leukoplakia can cause a lesion on the tongue. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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Q: So about 2 days i woke up and i have a sore throat but it only hurts on the left side of my throat. It hurts when i swallow and sometimes when i talk. I have a bump on my tongue on the left side it doesn’t really hurt but it’s uncomfortable when i touch it with my tooth or something. Also, my left ear is starting to hurt. It’s all my left side lol. anyone ever expirience this and if so what could it be?
A: It sounds like an infection to me. See your doctor 🙂
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Q: For almost two+ weeks now the lefts side of my tongue has been hurting. It almost feels like a canker sore or something (it has a sort of white-ish bump plus some smaller red-ish bumps on the side where it hurts…they almost look like a pimple or something similar) but usually it would just go away within a few days. I has been a few weeks and still no relief. It hurts and I don’t know what to do about it. Any suggestions as to what it might be, what it could be from, and what I could do to get rid of it?I do not smoke or use smokeless tobacco or anything similar. Also, my tongue has a sort of white coating towards the back of it. What is this?
A: You could be gritting your teeth at night and your tongue if it should happen to get in the way. Could easily be a nighttime behavior of some kind that occurs while you sleep. Could also be a food allergy so watch for patterns. (Some people are extremely allergic to red food dye).Can try swishing with nothing but salt water (no hydrogen peroxide and no listerine, etc). 1/2 tsp salt to one half glass of water and see if its natural astringent qualities help to not only cleanse but also toughen.little sores in the mouth can be so painful. Good luck……
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Q: Okay, my mouth has felt funny for the past few days. It almost felt like I had something stuck underneath my tongue at the very back of my throat. Now I felt under there and there are a few bumps and the back part of the tongue is swollen and so is my throat. All o this is on te left side.Should I be worried? What could cause it? I don’t have the money to go to the doctor.
A: yep go see a doctor sounds like tonsillitis.
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