How many have cancer out of 100 people

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Fifteen people out of every 100 people in the US either have cancer or will get cancer. In 1990 that number was one. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many have cancer out of 100 people
Did people actually get cancer like 50-100 years (plus) ago??
Cancer has been with us for thousands of years. Until fairly recently, people tended to die of other things. With improvements in other areas of medicine, people are living longer and are able to suffer the luxury of cancer in their old age…
Are there people who developed cancer on a 100% raw vegan low fat…?
Yes, because who knows what they were doing to their bodies before they cleaned up. Most people that eat like that go to low on fat. Your body needs fiber, protein and complex carbs to fully function. Plus you dont know what the factors of …
Do you Believe that 100 From now people will Live cancer free ,??
i really do hope that one day we can live cancer free it would be the best thing and also to live all disease free to…maybe just maybe one day that will happen…but untill then every little bit counts…and you do have good points….as …

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How many people out of 100 do u think live the same life as me?
Q: Okay these are things that have happened to me:2 Aunties have died like 2 or 3 months agoive seen a spirit or angelmy parents are divorcedmy aunty is battling breast cancer and now even skin cancer (the doctors nearly lost her twice)breast cancer runs in my familyim not rich but im not poorive had so many petsim not sicki have a bro n a sis that r older than me yeh so how many people out of 100 do you reckon have the same life as meand im not saying i have a shit life i knows i have a normal life
A: more than you think…no one’s life is perfect.
How is it that so many people are answering questions on steroid use saying that it shrinks your penis?
Q: I hate to tell all of you but you’re all quite wrong.It actually can make it bigger.It shrinks only the testicles due to atrophy from lack of testosterone production.They are still a bad call however.But for all of you people that have answered questions like this you are 100 percent mistaken.Sorry.I have not or will not ever use anabolic or androgenic steroids but I know many people who have.The rise in testosterone causes the body to stop releasing lutenizing hormone so the testicles become dormant.Testosterone increases muscle size and the penis is comprised of mostly muscle like tisue.You figure it out.So please stop giving people information that you cannot back up with science.Try just telling people not to use them because of cancer risk or gynecomastia (bitch tits)risk.Any other information is superfluous.
A: Could it be that since very few people here are actually Doctors or researchers in the fields that they are answering that they are full of Sh!t??? Yeah, I think so!!!! A lot of people on here are ignorant, we have people answering questions that should be addressed by professionals……not people who do a quick google search.
how many people think that weed is bad or good?
Q: I think weed should be legal.I’m 100% sick of reading a bunch of shit on the internet about how bad pot is. I’ve done a lot of research and figured out that heavy marijuana smokers have a less chance in getting lung cancer than people that dont smoke at all…hmm ..There has never been one reported overdose from marijuana in the last 5000 years also, so why isn’t the least harmful drug legal? In one normal sized ciggarette there is one gram of tobacco in it, and most people that smoke tobacco that i know are chain smokers. I probably smoke about a gram of weed a day and I think it actually makes me a different person. I do way more things than i used to, I eat healthier, go out,and im not lazy in the least bit. I just wanted to see how many people think weed actually is bad for you, or if the government is just a bunch of pricks…watch this documentary called “the union” the link is to the right——->!I have never had a bad experience with marijuana. So many times with alcohol i either tried picking fights or doing something really stupid. Everyone that says it is a “terrible drug” and makes you stupid is fucked in the head. They did studies with rats and it made them 40% smarter, it helps regain brain cells actually, before you diss ,do some fucking research . Its just a sterotype , everyone just says “oh yeah , hes a stoner hes lazy and does nothing. ” Serioussly fuck off,you know how many people actually smoke weed? even parents , i’ve smoked weed with a highschool teacher before…So instead of becoming a drunk retard, or chain dart smoker, id much rather toke , and lessen my risks of getting cancer…your choice.Oh yeah, the reason people say it kills brain cells is because back in the day they did studies with rats and put masks over them making them inhale it but they were actually suffocatting them which kills brain cells.Thats where they re did the studies in universities on rats and proving that it can rebuild brain cells strongerNO ONES EVERY OVERDOSED ON ITlol look at the retard jammin70 , “chemical” lol , its a herb , i think he needs to smoke some
A: I don’t do weed, but it is rather ridiculous when you look at how cigarettes and alcohol are both legal yet both contain WAY more poisons and carcinogens in them then weed. If not abused, it’s not harmful, or at least not any more harmful then cigarettes and alcohol.It’s never going away, and is something that grows in the wild, so the government ought to at least get a piece of it, legalize and regulate the hell out of it and make a few more billions of dollars a year that can be used toward education and health care.
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