How long does it take for chew to have an effect on your body

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For most people, it takes years, but it’s risky to play those odds. Your chances of getting tobacco-related cancer depend More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take for chew to have an effect on your body
How long does it take chew (not dip) to start to have effects on …?
It really depends on your health to begin with. My brother started when he was 15, he just turned 41 this month. And he has been sick with a cold, one after the other, since November. And 2 years ago he had all his front teeth, top and bott…

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A stick of gum?
Q: Ok, I was chewing a stick of gum, and I seen on the package where it said that each stick has 5 calories. I want to know, how long do you have to chew the gum for your body to absorb all 5 calories? Does it take in all 5 as soon as you start to chew? Do you have to chew it X amount of minutes for the calories to get in your body? And doesnt chewing burn calories? So say if chewing for X minutes burns that same number of calories then after that X minutes, the gum is no longer releasing calories, right? And you have in effect cancelled out the calories you have absorbed by burning them during chewing? So why cant they say that there are essentially no calories in a stick of gum if you chew it for X number of minutes? Sorry if this makes no sense. I was just curious.
A: makes since i think you just made it overly complicated…but yes, i do actually believe that you would probably burn more calories then you absorb,,,,,,never though of it before… is another question….if the flavor last longer…like some gum companies advertise….would there be more calories?? and that would also mean if you are chewing longer that you would be burning more calories…..i am so glad i found someone that thinks on my terms…lol
I really need your advice. How should I proceed?
Q: This may get long, so please bear with me.On Friday I went to a dentist, not my own, for an emergency filling because of a severe toothache. By Sunday, the filling had fallen out and I was in worse pain than I had been on Friday. Yesterday morning, I went back to that same dentist and asked him to refill the tooth, letting him know the pain was so bad that I couldn’t even drink room temperature water. I’ve even been living off liquidy foods, such as oatmeal, yogurt and soup to avoid chewing.Instead of refilling the tooth, he froze me again and filled two different teeth, then asked me to come back later that day for a cleaning. I went back and they only did half a cleaning, but charge me for a full cleaning. I’m glad I have great insurance, because these two visits alone have now cost over $1000. Needless to say, I could not sleep at all last night and have not slept well since Thursday night when the toothache started.I have been taking Tylenol round the clock since yesterday morning, stopped while my face was still numbed, but since it wore off, I’ve been on Tylenol every 6-8 hours since then. I am also 33w4d pregnant. I know that although Tylenol is safe, I cannot continue to take the Tylenol for the next 6 1/2 weeks until my son is born. It is not healthy or safe for me or for my son to have to continue like this.I’m at a complete loss. If I don’t take the Tylenol, then I’m in severe pain, which stresses my body out and isn’t good for my unborn son, but if I do continue the Tylenol, that isn’t safe or healthy either, especially in the long run.I’m also worried about all the dental work I’ve had since Friday and the effects it can have on him.My insurance also only covers my whole family for $1500 in each benefit period (May 1-April 30). I’ve already used more than $1000 of that on things that didn’t have to be done. The teeth he filled yesterday were not bugging me and could have waited until January to be filled. So, my questions are, should I go to a different dentist to have this tooth refilled, since this dentist has said he won’t do anything more until the baby is born? I also don’t want to end up using up the rest of the benefit money on my husband, who has an appointment in January.Should I get my insurance company involved in all of this? It just seems like they’re forking over unnecessary money and we’re losing our benefit money for the period pretty quickly as a result.Should I get my obstetrician invlved regarding the health and safety of my baby?Is there anything I can do about this dentist? I just feel like he was taking advantage of me and my benefits since we have really good dental benefits, better than a lot of people (100% basic coverage..cleanings, fillings, etc…but only for 2006 prices, so we do still pay about 15-20%).I’m sorry if this was long and confusing, but thank you for listening and answering.
A: Ok, here are the answers:1. you need to see another dentist, you don’t need an ordinary filling, you need a ROOT CANAL TREATMENT. Your dentist is taking advantage of your distress, its sad to say, but a lot of my colleagues are that bad and they tend to do these kind of stuffs.2. Yes you need to get the ob’s advice on the anesthetics and pain relievers needed to complete the procedures3. The Insurance company has nothing to do with the problem at hand, its the dentist who is liable in your case, its a clear case of negligence in his part. anyways, if there are risks in losing money, then the insurance company wont make a policy. 4. YOur dentist is taking advantage of you. he/she should have treated your chief complaint about your offending tooth first. He shouldnt have let you suffer like that.I dearly symphatize about your problem and I feel sorry about your experience with your dentist. I would suggest you take legal action in this one because you have a case here. What your dentist did is really unethical on his/her part. God Bless your baby Isaiah!
I’ve got several questions about homeopathy (I’ve NEVER taken it before in my life) – can you help?
Q: I think I have tonsillitis.My throat feels scratchy and burning, I have pain behind my ears and on the sides of my neck and a headache. I also have a fever that keeps me awake at night.Anyway, I went to see a doctor at my university in France today and I was given Belladonna 9ch(or is it CH?); Mercurius Corrosivus 9ch or 9CH and Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum.1. Who is/are the official body/ies for homeopathy in France and the UK?2. If you’ve ever taken any of these medicines before, have they worked?3. What did you have (No need to be specific if you don’t want to be)4. How did you take whatever it was you were given it: 4a.How often4b.could you chew it or take it with water?4c. How long did you take it for?5. Did you have any bad side-effects?6. Did you have any unexpected – but good – side-effects?7. What did it taste like?8. I was told you couldn’t touch the capsules with your fingers – is this true?9. Whereabouts on the tongue did you have to place the capsules?10. How should the containers be stored?Many thanks for any help you can give!The Hepar was 15ch/15CH, sorry!I didn’t go to a homeopathic doctor: I just went to the medical centre and happened to have been prescribed homeopathic medicine.Oh, and can I drink alcohol with it?Whatever comments – good or bad – are posted here, I want to see what’ll happen for me as wellI was told how to take them… I just wanted to hear from previous experience
A: As you can see from some of the more intelligent answers, there are no ‘active’ ingredients left in homoeopathic tablets, so there are no known side effects, they taste like sugar tablets, you can touch the tablets with anything hygienic because there’s nothing in them and of course you can take them with alcohol, there’s nothing in them.James Randi has offered $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove homoeopathy tablets work, ‘Horizon’ the well respected TV program tried and failed miserably.Tonsillitis is an infection, either viral or bacterial, if it’s viral you will have to wait for your own body’s defences to clear it up, if it’s bacterial then antibiotics would help, homoeopathy will have no effect whatsoever except remove that nasty bump in your wallet, the industry is worth around £40million in the UK alone, it must be the biggest legal scam of all time.
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