How do you prevent thyroid cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you prevent thyroid cancer”,you can compare them.

Many people develop thyroid cancer without having any known risk factors for the illness, this form of cancer is hard to prevent. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you prevent thyroid cancer
・ 1 Know your risk. Having a family history of thyroid cancer greatly increases your chances of developing… ・ 2 Eat a low-fat diet. High-fat diets greatly increase your chances of developing thyroid cancer, so limit… ・ 3 Maintain a heal…
Most people with thyroid cancer don’t show risk factors for it, so there is no way to prevent the disease. Your chances of a cure are best if you find thyroid cancer when it first begins to grow. However, this cancer has been linked to radi…,17666-1
As most cases of thyroid cancers are sporadic and not associated with any risk factors, there is usually no method to prevent the development of thyroid cancer. Careful examination of the thyroid and consideration of screening for patients …

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Spaying/neutering ethical question…?
Q: So, the general consensus here seems to be that a dog should be spayed/neutered, and if they aren’t, the owner is irresponsible. The reasoning being for health reasons… to prevent prostate/testicle/uterus cancer and overpopulation.Fair enough… so how do you feel about people? “Intact” humans suffer the same risks, and humans are far more overpopulated than dogs are, no?So, speaking purely from the standpoint of civic responsibility (as human overpopulation leads to many of the same problems as dog overpopulation – ie: unadoptable kids, starvation, etc…), what’s the difference?Also, just to note… there are actually more health risks associated WITH spaying/neutering (growth/developmental disorders, hormonal imbalance – and thus an increase in other kinds of cancer, thyroid disorders, etc…). Also, for the record, I’m neither for nor against spaying/neutering. I think ever situation is different and should be decided within context of the specific situation.To Alley and Care Bear Baby: You’re missing the point… this is from a “civic responsibility” standpoint. The arguments for spaying/neutering are for population control (because dogs are overpopulated) and for health reasons. However, humans are ALSO overpopulated and are prone to the same health risks. So regardless of whether we more apt to “choosing”, the fact remains that the same problems still exist… so obviously we’re not doing a good job. And if that itself is reason enough to spay/neuter dogs, then why not people? Dogs in shelteres are tragic… what about kids in orphanages?And in case anyone didn’t notice, this is obviously intended to push buttons and present it from a different side. Again, I’m not for or against as a rule. And I’ll give thumbs up to everyone who answers, unless they’re a total douche.Ohk, again… everyone’s using the “humans can choose/are responsible” argument… but that’s obviously not the case. Humans aren’t responsible. Yes, I’ve seen animals in shelters. I’ve also seen kids in orphanages and foster homes. Yes, animals are euthenized… but I’d say that could be chalked up moreso to the egoism/lack of compassion of humans. Also, humans DO go by instinct. There are many species of animals who have completely monogamous and committed relationships… humans aren’t on of those species. In fact, we rank pretty low (lower than wolves, in fact, whom dogs are bred from). So that argument is a fallacy.So again… the question… Puppies are homeless, kids are homeless. Puppies die, kids die (albeit different reasons, but both associated with overpopulation). Why is it valid to enforce altering dogs but not humans? Both result in overpopulation (“reasoning” obviously haven’t lessened human over-population) and others of each species suffer due to it.Jennifer B:A “specific situation” being one where someone actually watches/cares for their dog, and doesn’t allow them to roam, thus “accidental litters” don’t happen.And read this site for a rundown of the pros and cons of altering (including increase of bone cancer, hypothyroidism, heart cancer, obesity, etc…)
A: I am very much for human spaying and neutering. No kidding.There are way too many kids out there without families, and way too many people breeding on this planet that (quite frankly) shouldn’t be. The earth is overcrowded as it is, and human breeding as gone out of control. I, myself, will never have a child. I honestly don’t think that bringing any more children into this world is — in any way, shape, or form — a humane thing to do. I think that all dogs unintended or unsuitable for breeding should be spayed or neutered, and I think the same should go for humans. I think you should have to be something special to have a child — not just the average joe. And both are for the same reason; overpopulation. There are too many people and too many dogs on this planet. Period.Now, a real question to ask is: what’s the difference between euthanasia of unwanted shelter dogs, and euthanasia of unwanted orphan children? Makes you think, doesn’t it?Well, maybe not. I doubt even a smidgen of the people who read my answer will agree with what I’m saying. A lot of people are so focused on themselves and what they want that they can no longer open their eyes and take a good, honest look around.
How do I get a doctor to admit me into the hospital and MAKE them figure out what’s wrong with me?
Q: Hi all … I’m a 32 year old male 5’1 and only 90lbs! I have a history of throat cancer (age 7 – its gone now) … but the side effects of the treatments seemed to have turned my life upside down … I have an underactive thyroid, stopped growing early, i have major digestive problems (trouble swallowing, aspirating (liquid drips in my lungs slowly), lack saliva, need a drink with every bite, acid reflux, ripped a hole in esopagus in early 20s, had 3 ulcer in past (age 8,18 n 23 about)), I even have phobias about eating (dont liek peopel watching me choke down my food), lost all my teeth by age 24, lost 2/3 of my hearing, … plus in the last 2 years to my anxiety and panic attacks seem to happen almost daily …Between all my eating problems and my anxiety issues … I trip out daily feeling light headed, cold all the time, sore, dizzy, numb, constantly tired, chest pains … I spend lots of time during my panic attacks trying to do relaxation breathing, warming myself with blankets and heating pad, reading comic books to stop me from thinking, doing slow stretches and exercises … all in the attempt to calm my brain from thinking that I might be having a heart attack or a stroke (but I am not in the high risk categories I am told — although I do smoke cigarettes – yah I got to quit) …When I start to feel 1 or 2 minor symptoms from 4 or 5 different problems … my brain seems to think it’s something worse happening to me … for example could have a the chills (from underactive thyroid), headache (from smoking), sore back (from a bad night sleep), chest pains (from heart burn), dizzy (from not eating enough) … all at once … each problem BY ITSELF is very treatable … but when you feel all 5 at once your brain goes into this OH MY GAWD WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME MODE?If youre thinking the answer is “EAT MORE” … it’s NOT that simple … eating is a torturous task for me and I do not enjoy any of it … from chewing, to swallowing, to digesting … it all cause me greif and pain … I;m told for my height/weight I need 1800 calories a day … on average I might get 1500 (some days I have as few as 800 and other up to 3000 – my fears n phobias about eating/choking prevent me from wanting to eat some days)That topped off with the daily panic attacks … just makes me fear that my body is going to just stop working on me one day …. I DON’T WANT THAT … I want to live a happier, healthier life … I need help getting my doctor to realize that these are EVERYDAY things I feel and deal with … and I am struggling to control and maintain them enough so that I can function in life … I;ve tried anti depressants to – my body reacts badly to them – I am tired of the take this med home and see if it helps answers … I wanna be locked in a dam hospital for 4-6 weeks and have someone figure what is really wrong with me …. PLEASE any comments or help would be greatly appreciated … Thanks for your time !!(PS I live in Canada, so medical coverage is not an issue – it more getting the doctor to listen to my WHOLE story and see that it is possible for someone as young as me to have too many health issues to cope with)
A: *hugs* Do you have records of your healthcare? Just take it to him and he’ll look at it and will be more willing to believe you. Also get a second, third, fourth opinion. Eventually, a doctor will listen. I live in Canada too 🙂 Thank God for free healthcare!
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