How do you get cancer in the eye

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Eye cancer is usually caused by a change in a person’s DNA. This influences the risk of getting cancer. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get cancer in the eye
How do you get eye cancer?
You can’t get it from watching TV or working on a PC. Here’s more information: Symptoms: Patients with eye cancer may have: * decreased ability to see * floaters (spots or squiggles drifting in the field of vision) or flashes of light * vis…
Should everyone get a second opinion? eye cancer.
Many people with cancer get a second opinion from another doctor. There are many reasons to get a second opinion, including if the person is not comfortable with the treatment decision, if the type of cancer is rare, if there are different …
Can you get cancer of the eye?
You can get cancer anywhere in or on the body except for the hair and the nails. However, cancer that occurs in the areas you mentioned are not called eye cancer, finger cancer, shoulder cancer, ear cancer, etc. The name of the cancer will …

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How do you like my story?
Q: Hello everybody!There may be a few people who have seen my last question, on weather you liked my story idea. Well here’s the prologue.Prologue:Katie’s father pulled the car to a stop at the top of the driveway, right in front of the garage. He sat there for a moment, his hands clenched tightly on the steering wheel. “This is it. Out first little child. A baby girl.” He said, his eyes sparkling as they started to water.The mother turned to stare at Katie in her car seat. “Oh, yes. Our angel,” She replied, a weak slur in her voice. “When is my chemotherapy? I was about to assume that they’d give it to me almost as soon as she was born.””They said it’s going to be in a couple weeks. February 29th. I know it’s hurting you, since you didn’t get any of the therapy at all during those 9 months, but just hang in there. It’s only 2 weeks.””I’m not sure I can wait that longer. My body’s been taken over by this breast cancer.” The mother reached up to scratch her balding head.The man just sat there, his hands starting to sweat from holding the steering wheel so long, and the happy tears for his new daughter turning into sad ones for his very sick wife.”Carrie, it’s going to be okay.” He whispered. “If it gets that bad we’ll call an ambulance.”Then, as if the conversation was getting too emotional, he got out of the car, slammed the door, and grabbed the handle of the car seat. He smiled at the delicate little child, and walked around to the other side of the driveway, then helping the mother out. He walked her up to the front door, unlocked it with his key, and stepped inside the cozy home. Instantly, the telephone rang. “I’ll get it!” The mother said, taking off her shoes. She walked over and answered it “Hello?” She said into the mouth piece.The father set down the car seat and unwrapped Katie from the blanket. He tried to listen in but couldn’t hear the fast speaking of the person on the other end.”What? No, no, I’m…well, of course, okay, I’ll tell him…what? No, absolutely! Okay, goodbye.” The mother, set the phone back down, and leaned on the edge of the counter, trying to steady herself. Her eyes got wide and welled up with tears, fast.In a shaky tone she said, “Jackson, they need you at war.”
A: I have an issue with the mother saying she’s not sure she can wait any longer for chemo. I just doesn’t seem like something someone in that position would say. My mother had breast cancer and the chemo made her incredibly sick. And the chemo is what makes people go bald not the cancer. The mother doesn’t interact with the baby in a way that a woman who has sacrificed herself by forgoing 9 months of treatment for this child would. There doesn’t seem to be any emotional connection between them at all. I also don’t think they’d let a woman with cancer who has just had a baby out of the hospital. It all just seems a little emotionally detached to me.
Does my paper about depression seem accurate? Convincing?
Q: Did you know that, according to more Americans suffer from depression than coronary heart disease, cancer and HIV/AIDS? Depression causes suicide, monetary losses, immense emotional suffering, and other diseases. The Uplift Program says that 15% of depressed people will commit suicide. This contributes to the 33,000 people in the United States that commit suicide every year. Outofthedarkness also says that 75% of people who die by suicide suffer from major depression. The Uplift Program also states that according to studies depression will be the second largest killer after heart disease by 2020. There is also the financial aspect. The previous source goes on to state that depression results in more absenteeism than almost any other physical disorder and costs employers more than US$51 billion per year in absenteeism and lost productivity, not including high medical and pharmaceutical bills. Studies are increasingly linking more illnesses to depression, including: osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, some forms of cancer, eye disease and back pain. Arguable the biggest consequence of depression is the deep emotional pain. Hopelessness, loneliness, and feelings of inadequacy are very common. The biggest symptom is just utter despair and misery with no hope. No one should have to live through that.Depression is caused in the brain. It is a physical disorder, like asthma or a vitamin deficiency. With a combination of therapy and anti-depressants 80% of depression can be significantly improved. So why is it that 80% of depression goes untreated, leading to years in emotional pain or suicide? The answer is in the social stigma applied to depression and a lack of education. 54% of people believe that depression is a personal weakness, according to the uplift program. This leads to people hiding it, not wanting to be labeled as “emo” or weird. No one can deny how judgmental teens are, and this is why it needs to be discussed and talked about. There is also the fact that there is practically no education on depression. The Illinois State Board of Education’s website lists state goals for health education. They list that students should know how to wash hands by a certain age or talk about pollution’s effect on our health but nowhere do they mention the 3rd highest killer of teenagers. At any given point more people are suffering from depression than colds, yet our state thinks it is more important to educate us on the flu?! Health class is mandated all the way to high school, but they couldn’t find one week to dedicate to it?While there is no easy way to “cure” depression overnight there are many things to do to provide help. Depression CAN be treated. What needs to happen is people need to recognize depression and seek help. A little education can do a lot. One week of health class curriculum devoted to warning signs and how to get help can drastically change people’s views. According to ABC news a group of more than 3,500 students took a test on knowledge on depression, completed a depression curriculum, and then took the test again. The number of students scoring 80 percent or higher more than tripled after the program. This shows that a little education can educate a lot. With 80% of people with depression not seeking treatment for a variety of reasons including shame or not recognizing their symptoms education could help a lot. People could go from thinking their depression is shameful to realizing it is a disorder that can be treated. Students should be taught the warning signs of depression and suicide, that way they can recognize it. 80% of teens who committed suicide showed warning signs. If people recognized these the people could get help. Education is key. With proper education depression will go from being taboo to a disorder that should be treated.In conclusion depression, which is very prevalent, causes suicide, monetary losses, and deep emotional pain. A large part of the problem is people’s lack of education, which leads to people not getting help, along with the feelings of shame associated. This can be changed if people are educated. If people were educated on the warning signs, what causes it, and that it could be treated fewer Americans would suffer every day. Every person can help solve this problem. Learn the warning signs. Learn the cause. Learn how to help a friend. If you suspect someone you know may be suicidal tell someone. If you are feeling depressed or suicidal call 1-800-SUICIDE for help.Did you actually read it?I am giving at as a speechso yeah, talking kind of sounds like babbleThe only problem is technically it is a speech not a paper, for competetive public speaking, so I can’t do the number thing, and you are supposed to say things like “in conclusion”, it is kinda how it works
A: Instead of saying ‘according to (blank)’ cite it by putting in a little number and the citation on teh bottom (more to it than I can explain here). All you need is the number, don’t mention in words who you got info from.Try having less details/facts in teh opening paragraph, put those instead (great facts by the way) in the body paragraphs.You began a tangent on the financial effects in the introduction and then never wrote more of it in another paragraph. Either delete the sentences or write another paragraph.Yeah it was really convincing though, GREAT facts.Oh and try not to say ‘in conclusion’. It’s very… 5th grade. Just delete those two worsd, the sentence will mak it apparant that it is a conclusion on it’s own.
How Do You feel about tanning beds? NOW?
Q: i was just wondering how do people feel about tanning now that they’re saying its just as bad as arsenic and is a DEFINITE cause of skin cancer, and even eye cancer now??? and its just as bad as smoking a cigarette and that tanning under 35 raises you chance for skin cancer by 75%?;contentBody myself love tanning. i havent been white in months. tanning makes you feel good and confident and you get awesome color its become a habit for me to go, but where will it go from here do you think tanning bed will soon be gone? or do you think they’ll raise the age requirements? im 16 and the place i go to you dont need a parent signature
A: I have been tanning since I was 17 years old, I am now 21. I just cancelled my tanning salon membership yesterday after reading the article and seeing the deadly new facts all over the news. I loved tanning! I went 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes, I also had seasonal depression so it helped me in that aspect over the winter also. I work at a nursing home and work with a lot of cancer patients, I definitely do not want to suffer from cancer. I have seen first hand how deadly and painful it really is. I bought a new self tanner last night after I cancelled my membership because I don’t want to be pale, as I am Irish and Austrian, I still want to be tan but have found a better way. Loreal’s self tanning lotion works wonders!! It’s even better than the tanning bed! I got more color from that than in the tanning bed in 4 years! It’s also much safer. It is to be applied daily until you reach the darkness you desire, then apply it 1-2 times a week after that, it’s $10 at Rite Aid, and you may need some help blending it in on your back. There is another self tanner I used when I was 14, after my mom wouldn’t let me go to the tanning salon anymore, it was called fake bake, it’s relatively pricey but works great, and apparently some celebs use it. Trust me, you don’t want any form of skin cancer, so cancel your tanning packages and opt for self tanners as the ones listed above.
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