How can viruses induce cancer

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The notorious Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) makes some people vulnerable to developing cancer. Key Molecule being LMP1! ChaCha On! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can viruses induce cancer
How can viruses induce cancer?
Some genes in our body are called proto-oncogenes. These are inactive cancer causing genes. Also there are certain tumor suppressor genes, such as p53 gene. Now viruses infect the cells many a times by integrating their DNA into the host ce…
Can viruses induce cancer?
There are theories that support that, however there is no definitive answer in current medicine.

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How can viruses induce cancer?
Q: Thanks.
A: Viruses invade cells and replicate by inserting their own DNA into the DNA of the host cell. This way the cell is now programmed to manufacture more of the viruses.Cancer is a common event in many organisms, including humans. Normally the cells are identified by the immune system and killed. Cancer cells usually form when the cells own control system goes haywire. The cell will metabolize things faster, grow faster, and divide faster. Most cells also stop growing when they are next to other cells, but cancer cells ignore this and divide anyway. Basically, a virus can rearrange the DNA in a way that will mess up the cells control center. The original ‘intent’ of the virus was probably just to make the cell make more of itself, but some viruses can mess up the host cell DNA so much that it no longer has control over many of it’s other functions.Therefore the cell will grow and divide uncontrollably. Since cells that come from a cell when it divides have the same DNA, all of the next generation cells are also cancerous.That’s the basic idea.
how can i get a brain tumor?
Q: i am curious about the means one could use to develop a brain tumor. is there a beyond any doubt drug or chemical or virus that can induce cancer to the brain? or, for that matter, any type of cancer. i don’t refer to long term life style or smoking, but a quick way to get it. a mix of substances or radiation that causes an almost spontaneous tumor. please respond only with real and efficient ways of doing that. that you.
A: Tumor, means an abnormal growth, it can be of two types cancerous and non cancerous. Now cancer can occur due to a lot of reasons, including,1) carcinogenic chemicals, organic, inorganic, insecticides such as DDT etc.2) viruses, e.g., Burkitt’s lymphoma, papiloma virus and cervical cancer of the uterus3) chronic irritation, secondary to physical problems, a chronic non healing ulcer and or due to chronic bacterial, fungal infections e.g., as in chronic tubercular lesions and scars4) radiation e.g., excessive exposure to Sun and other forms of radioactivity which is man engineered5) hereditary e.g., various oncogenes and there transmission in the family as in some forms of breast cancer6) smoking, tobacco and lung cancer etc.,7) food supplements as artificial sweeteners e.g., saccharine etc, and alcohol for development of hepatoma8) in utero exposure of fetus to hazardous chemicals and environment, secondary to drugs, foods and illness etc.,9) spontaneous gene mutation etc.10) by products of hydrocarbons, environment pollution of diverse nature as you know is happeningThese noxious stimuli can be operative in various permutations and combinations as a cause of cancer any where in the body including brain
How can viruses induce cancer?
Q: Homework help.
A: Only some cancers like Cancer of cervix, oral cancers are induced by HPV virus. Virus is one of the causes for getting cancer. How it induces cancer , – please see -VIROLOGY, study of viruses and their role in disease. Many viruses, such as animal RNA viruses and viruses that infect bacteria, or bacteriophages, have become useful laboratory tools in genetic studies and in work on the cellular metabolic control of gene expression (see nucleic acids). Because viruses can sometimes carry extra genetic material into host cells, they have been used to experimentally transfer genetic material, specifying a particular enzyme, into nuclei of mammalian host cells that lacked the ability to synthesize that enzyme. The ability of viruses to transfer genetic material has also been extensively studied in bacteria (see recombination). Virus-mediated gene transfers are medically interesting because of the possibility that in the future enzyme-specifying genes might be transferred into humans with hereditary enzyme-deficiency diseases. Virus interference is a phenomenon in which host cells, while infected by one virus, are protected against infection by other viruses; the technique has been used experimentally as a form of temporary immunization. Interferon, a vast number of proteins produced by virus-infected cells that inhibits viral replication within the cell has been studied with a view toward preventing or controlling virus-caused diseases. Viruses continue to be investigated because they are held to be possible causative agents of some human cancers, and because under certain conditions the body’s immune response to virus infection may cause tissue damage and develop into an autoimmune disease. Viruses can have high rates of mutations (point mutations) that keep them undetectable. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus associated with AIDS, is a retrovirus that appears to have mutated into a number of strains that attack the immune system and produce viral-induced immunosuppression.-
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