Does testicular cancer grow fast

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Testicular cancer has a very fast onset.Testicular cancer grows rapidly,with tumors doubling in size in just10 to 30 days.Testicular cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer, representing about 1% of cancers affecting men between ages of 20 and 44. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does testicular cancer grow fast
Does testicular cancer grow fast
Testicular cancer has a very fast onset.Testicular cancer grows rapidly,with tumors doubling in size in just10 to 30 days.Testicular cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer, representing about 1% of cancers affecting men between ages of …

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Q: Here’s the deal. I was 2 years old when I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. It was cleared up super fast and my survival rate was written clearly as 99%. I’m 21 now. I’ve never broken a bone or had any health problems whatsoever. I’m in top physical shape and I always have been. I can even produce kids. Why in God’s name was I disqualified? All the recruiters said there’s no reason I can’t join and they’re currently pleading my case. I was told that if I get more paperwork from my doctor I had growing up as well as a new physical stating I’m perfectly healthy then I might still have a chance. Anyone know what I can do or what my chances are? This is just ridiculous.I have every last bit of paperwork from the beginning of my cancer to the day they said I was clean. The doctor at MEPS has seen that much. I’m just getting papers from my childhood doctor that I saw until I was 18. My recruiter just said that every little bit more helps.
A: I had a heart mummer when i was a kid and had to go through the same shit you are at MEPS. Just keep on the recruiter at MEPS (he is the one who will get things moving) and don’t lose hope, it took me nearly a year to get all the red tape cleared away but it was worth it.But you should definitely get all of the paper work you have on the cancer from both doctors. With the paper work from your first doctor they want to see documentation of when the cancer was first discovered.good luck
Small Dull Penis Pains…?
Q: Today I’ve been getting very dull pains around the penis, and just above it(not sure what the area is called, around your pubes anyway) and it appears to come from the right side more, I’ve never had this before, there is no pain from the testicle, so I dont think it is Testicular Cancer, and if it helps, only yesterday I found out that you had to Pull your Foreskin back, and I know this could sound stupid because I’m 16, anyway I tried doing it yesterday, but only very lightly, and not fast, and since then I seem to be getting very dull pains like the title says, it’s on and off, but not all the time, I could get it then it may not happen for 5-10 minutes or maybe longer, it’s nothing that hurts, but it is annoying and a little irritating, I’ve never had sex, I masturbate once a day, sometimes two, and that’s it really.Anyone know what the problem is? Could it be growing pains? I’ve heard that before, and it can sometimes cause small irritation to the penis, anyway, Thanks if you answer.
A: Give masturbation a rest for a couple of days and then use a lubricant.I use Olive oil, in a glass and just dip my finger tips in, is enough, KY gel is commonly used.This cuts down on rough friction which could be causal to your pain.If pain persists please talk to your doctor, little pains and twinges are part of being alive,we all get them, often in odd places and for no discernible reason and they go as quick as they appear.It’s when those pains or twinges persist they become cause for concern so talk to a doc if things aren’t right in a week or so.Testicular cancer has a noticeable lump which causes dull pain which would get more intense as the lump enlarges, if you have a lump which wasn’t there before and is painful that is cause to see a doctor immediately.
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