Does Orange juice cause cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does Orange juice cause cancer”,you can compare them.

No studies show that orange juice causes cancer. There has been brief discussion if orange juice can help prevent cancer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does Orange juice cause cancer
Does orange juice help prevent breast cancer?
No, of course not. Breast cancer is primarily hormone related.
Does drinking orange juice affect the chance of developing prosta…?
I heard if you drink too much orange juice, you have a higher chance of developing prostate cancer. …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What do you think is the cause of cancer? Just opinion, not a scientific explanation.?
Q: We know that smoking can cause lung cancer and the sun can cause skin cancer. What about other things that cause cancer? I’ve heard that underarm deodorant can cause breast cancer. I’ve heard that preservatives in food can cause different cancers. There are rumors about drinking acidic beverages such as soda or orange juice can lead to esophageal cancer. Now they are talking about processed meats leading to stomach cancer. What others have you heard or what are some things that you feel aren’t being talked about enough? Cancer scares the crap out of me. I hope we can find a cure or least on our own find some way of avoiding it. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
A: Caused in one of three ways 1. Inherited propensity for a particular cancer ,or a weak immune system as in old age or certain diseases2. Pure accident ! Cells are dividing millions of times a day and mistakes happen . A defective cell if not recognized by the immune system can then divide into more defective cells and bingo! you got cancer 3.Chronic insult causing repeated cell injury . This is probably how smoking and other life choices can cause cancer .In essence cancer is a risk of living just like car accidents and old age ,you can avoid a lot of risk factors by life style choices but your genetic makeup and old age may get you anyways . The good thing is with early detection cancer can be cured like any other illness ,so live healthy ,get regular exams ,but don’t be a nut about it !
If Orange Juice was carcinogenic?
Q: If I made the statement, Orange juice is carcinogenic (causes cancer…for the home educated!), Wouldn’t you demand to know where I got my information? Wouldn’t you want to know how I came to that conclusion?So, If I said that I know it’s the truth, because it came from a Readers Digest story which claimed to be a true story, wouldn’t you press me for details? and if it happened that you found the story that I was talking about, and it said nothing about orange juice and disease, wouldn’t you question my interpretation of the story, as well as the validity of the story itself?So when Theists make absolute claims to knowledge about the will of God on subjects like Abortion, Gay civil rights, and even on political nominees, why are you suprised or angered that we deny that you have any authority to make such claims?It has been said over and over again, that the existence of god cannot be 100% disproved, and that all of us (well…most of us) support a persons right to believe as they wish. but it’s when theists (specifically Christians in the US, and Islamists in the rest of the world) try to inject their religious view into Politics, Law , Science, Medicine and Education, that we, the rational thinkers in the world, ask what right do you have, and by what authority do you claim this? I actually did read a story in Readers Digest (years ago) where a whole family died from orange juice, from the youngest to the oldest, over a few years. It was just before the mother died that they figured out that the whole family had been drinking OJ from clay mugs that hadn’t been fired properly, and the citric acid was washing the lead out of the clay. The family died of lead poisoning!Before this was figured out, several religious leaders had come forward to claim the family was cursed, possessed, or had somehow displeased god!
A: Speaking of orange juice, you seem to be mixing oranges and apples (maybe even bananas).
Did you hear about benzene in common brands of soda and fruit juice?
Q: It is found in soft drinks, water and juices that contain vitamin C and sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate. Two of the most common preservatives used. If they get heated as in left in a car or during the manufacturing process benzene is formed which can cause cancer, leukemia, etc. FDA limits benzene in drinking water to 5 parts per billion. Safeway Select Diet Orange had levels of 79 parts per billion.
A: I know all about sodium benzoate. It’s one of the many things I’m allergic to, and as it’s used in many substances I find it hard to escape it completely. The use of it in drinks gives me kidney pain, cystitis, and eczema.
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