Does drinking cause cancer

Health related question in topics Food Drink .We found some answers as below for this question “Does drinking cause cancer”,you can compare them.

It is said that drinking can increase your chances of getting some types of cancer. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does drinking cause cancer
Does drinking cause cancer?
My wife recovered from breast cancer and her oncologist recommended that we limit ourselves to consuming alcohol. She said a drink every so often would not be too bad, but warned that everyday consumption could be bad. It has almost been a …
Can drinking out of cans over a period of time cause cancer?
Yes, aluminum from the cans is absorbed, through the digestive system. Aluminum being carcinogenic, accumulates in the body and is partly responsible, for some forms of cancer. Prostate and lung cancer are among them.
Does Drinking Cold Water Cause Cancer?
Everyday it seems like a new study says X causes cancer, making it difficult to separate fact from fiction! This email is just one of many that claim certain things cause cancer, like certain and . Thankfully this is an email hoax, just lik…

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Does drinking cause cancer?
Q: Does drinking alcohol & beer cause cancer the way pollutants & tobacco products create lung cancer?
A: My wife recovered from breast cancer and her oncologist recommended that we limit ourselves to consuming alcohol. She said a drink every so often would not be too bad, but warned that everyday consumption could be bad.It has almost been a year since I quit drinking. It was the 4th of July that I had my last drink. It was the day we told the family of her cancer. Sometimes I miss the flavor of a Guinness but I want to support my wife and if she sees that I don’t drink, then she won’t.Any cancer is terrible. What we expose ourselves to could be the trigger that starts cancer in our bodies. The less toxic we are the better chances of not getting cancer.We have to decide if we want to value. is doing X worth the risk? People sunbathe to add color to their skin. Results causes skin to look tanned. It could also trigger skin cancer. You decide is it worth the risk and either stay out of the sun and use strong lotions for protection, or do not. Cancer is in the air, in the water, and in the food. It is also in the chemicals we put on our bodies, or in them.What straw breaks the camel’s back?
How do they decaffeinate coffee beans and does drinking decaffeinated coffee cause cancer?
A: They decaffeinate it with a cancer causing chemical and that is why it causes cancer. Green, black and white tea are decaffeinated with steam so they do not cause cancer but tea prevents cancer and other health problems.
Does drinking milk cause cancer?
Q: Heard it from one of my friends…I never heard of it.
A: Cow’s milk does not DIRECTLY cause cancer.The worst part about cow’s milk is the process it goes through to get from the cow’s udder to your grocery store. Typically, it is altered beyond recognition. It is standardized, fortified, pasteurized and homongenized. In other words, it has been taken apart and put back together again, not always in the same proportions. Then it will be cooked and emulsified.However, many humans actually have mild allergies to the substance, which is nutrionally incompatible with their bodies. In these cases, milk consumption can trigger acne outbreaks, sinusitis, constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.On the other hand, those who experience no allergic reactions can drink it with no problems, and will wholeheartedly stand out on the streets and proclaim, “Milk is good for you! Drink it by the gallon!” And for them, it may be. But it’s not for everyone.So, what transforms an otherwise healthy milk products into allergens and carcinogens? It all starts with modern feeding methods that substitute high-protein, soy-based feeds for fresh green grass; and breeding methods to produce cows with abnormally large pituitary glands so that they produce three times more milk than they a traditional cow.Then, the cows are given antibiotics to keep them well. Their milk is then pasteruized so that all valuable enzymes are destroyed; lactase, which assimilates lactose; galactose, which assimilates galactose; phosphatase, for the assimilation of calcium. Literally dozens of precious enzymes are destroyed in the pasteruization process. Without them, milk is very difficult to digest. The human pancreas is not always able to produce these enzymes; over-stress of the pancreas can lead to disease.Hope this helped explain it a little better. Raw, organic, whole cow’s milk is in no way cancer-causing. It’s really more the process it goes through to become store-ready that could, in a sense, under the right conditions, contribute to cancer development in some people.
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