Do you enjoy smoking marijuana you

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I do not smoke marijuana. It is illegal to smoke marijuana in the US. Used medicinally it can help people with cancer or AIDS. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you enjoy smoking marijuana you
Do you enjoy smoking Marijuana?
Marijuana is very bad for you, no matter what anyone says about it relaxes you. A lot of things relax you but most of them can’t cause mental deficiencies. Never start smoking ANYTHING. It simply isn’t worth it in any way. I suppose if you …
Is smoking marijuana a sin? If so, then why did God create it for…?
Yes. God did NOT create marijuana for the illegal purposes you use it for. And… No… SIN did it, not satan. You must understand that the consequences of “Original Sin” was greater than just bringing death, sex, and kids into th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do you enjoy smoking Marijuana?
Q: How much do you smoke? What do you usually use to smoke? And what are the best things, or worse things about it? Any answer is a good answer. This is just for everyones entertainment!! Enjoy!!OK…. everyones answers are terrible so far… so i’m just gonna forget i even read them, and wait for someone with a SINCE OF HUMOR to come along and end this LITTLE Question..
A: no, it tastes like sh*t
If your partner developed severe depression/anxiety from smoking marijuana and quit, would you also quit?
Q: If you had a partner who used to enjoy smoking marijuana with you on a regular basis and then developed severe anxiety/depression and ultimately decided it was best for their well-being to quit… would you also quit? Is continuing to smoke marijuana being unsupportive? Is it similar to a drug addict continuing to do drugs when they’re with someone who is clean and sober??
A: A report just came out yesterday in Australia, it has been proven that long term use of marijuana causes brain damage very similar to that of a car accident victim with a brain injury.You can keep on going darling, but maybe you should watch the movie ‘Shaun of the dead’ and take particular note of the Zombies – it will be a glimpse of your future and that of your partner.A very dull existence indeed.
Is it unreasonable to ask my husband to quit smoking marijuana after the birth of our son?
Q: My husband and I used to enjoy smoking marijuana regularly. I got together with him when I was 19 and smoked marijuana throughout my early 20’s until it started to make me very paranoid and depressed and nearly borderline agoraphobic. I then got pregnant and stopped smoking both marijuana and cigarettes. I would like him to also stop since I think it would be best for our family. I think that now I’m no longer a pot head and am back in college, raising a child, etc. I would relate to him better if he sort of grew in a similar direction. I think he would be easier to connect with mentally if he was sober like me.He resents this and says that I’m trying to change who he is. I try to explain that it’s just the pot, not who he is. But he gets very angry and now it has gotten to the point where he comes home and looks stoned (and he has Visine in his pockets) but he lies and tells me he’s not.I’m not trying to change him or be his mom, I really just had good intentions for our family. I honestly didn’t think that pot was THAT important to him until now. It makes me feel like he has a problem.He made a comment last night asking “which would you rather I do? Smoke pot or drink? Because if I don’t smoke pot I’ll drink more.” This makes me worry. And now he’s starting to pull away and is making comments about us not being compatible anymore and is talking about how he doesn’t want to change his lifestyle.He’s 34 years old and I thought that he would eventually grow out of this. I love him, but what was cool to do all the time when we were very young is now causing problems because it’s turned into his lifestyle that seems more important than our relationship.Not sure how to handle this. I feel like I’m with a 13 year old who won’t grow up. He was telling me what I want to hear and now is just lying and sneaking behind my back to do what he wants. All of our friends that used to smoke pot all the time now do so recreationally, maybe once or twice a month. Maybe the “heavier ones” once a week on the weekend. He smokes daily. Every evening and I feel like he’s a dud afterwards. It’s hard to talk to him and he never seems to initiate sex because he’s passing out in his recliner while watching TV.Advice?Empathy: I never claimed to be superior or “enlightend” in any way. I suppose becoming a mother made me look at things differently… how much so I couldn’t have predicted. This is the issue. Compromise? Yes. But now in my opinion it should be what’s best for the family as a whole. If my son wasn’t in the picture I don’t think I’d mind so much.
A: You married him knowing and doing it with himnow you expect him to change, sorry but it don’t work that wayPersonally i don’t date druggies and for dang sure wouldn’t marry one
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