Can you get cancer from a cut

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get cancer from a cut”,you can compare them.

You can get an infection from a cut. I found no proof that one can get cancer from a cut. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get cancer from a cut
Why do I have to cut my hair when I get cancer?
Nobody has to cut their hair when they have cancer. Some drugs cause your hair to fall out and it’s less messy if it’s cut short or shaved. I didn’t lose any hair to chemo and didn’t shave my head.
Will you get cancer if you cut a mole of your body with a knife ??
Mad thing to do,but it wont of course increase cancer risk.
How many packs of cigarettes should I cut down to, to ensure I wo…?
Nah, I smoke a carton of reds a day and my lungs are as clear as a bell. Been doing it for ten years now. I run five miles a day to keep the phlegm down.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it true you can get cancer from messing with moles?
Q: There is a mole on my leg I didn’t like so I took a knife and pretty much scrapped it off/cut it off. After I did that everyone was like, you can get cancer from that. Is that true? What are the chances of that happening? What do you need to look for? Thanks!
A: I don’t think you will get cancer, maybe an ugly infection.
can you get cancer from a cancer blood?
Q: If you get cut by a razor blade that belongs to a colon cancer patient can you get cancer.
A: TECHNICALLY NO, but it is possible to get cancer from other products in blood. Let me explain: Cancer is caused by an abnormal “cell cycle” response. In other words, normal healthy cells have a certain lifespan (like a red blood cell lives for 120 days), but cancer cells lose the ability to die off naturally. This leads to a constant reproduction of an unhealthy cell = “cancer”.This disruption is caused by a long list of things including viruses, radiation, and a host of “carcinogens” (alcohol, tobacco, other drugs).While the transmission of a “cancer cell” would not give you cancer because this cell would not be able to live in another humans blood stream, you COULD get cancer by getting one of the many viruses that cause cancer.For example, human papilloma virus (HPV) is a sexually transimitted disease that causes genital warts among other things. Women who have this virus have a significantly elevated risk for getting cervical cancer.BOTTOM LINE: cancer is NOT caused by blood to blood transmission, but some things like viruses that can potentially CAUSE cancer are! If I was exposed to blood from someone else I would be ALOT more concerned about getting things like HIV, hepatitis, or other infections.Good LuckMike
Moist recipes that a cancer patient can eat. My Dad has use of only one side of his face and dry mouth.?
Q: Soups, puddings whatever you got. My Dad is visiting for Thanksgiving, he has recently had surgery to remove cancer from his jaw area, a nerve was cut so he does not have use of the right side of his face. He has also been going for Chemo and Radiation which causes his mouth to be very dry. He’s a single guy and lives alone, so he eats alot of canned soups and the like. I want to give him good home made meals while he’s visiting.
A: I am sorry to hear about what your Dad is going through. When my Dad was going through chemo and radiation last year I would run to marble slab and buy him pints of peanut butter ice cream. It was the only thing that gave him an appetite.Here is a recipe for homemade Cream of Potato soup. It’s yummy…Peel and dice the potatoes. Put them is a pot with a drizzle of olive oil. Cook until soft. Add chicken broth, salt and pepper (to taste). Simmer. Then add milk or cream (boil until hot). It is a simple recipe but it tastes great. You can also cook chopped onions with the potatoes if he likes onions. You can substitute butternut squash instead of potatoes. You might have to blend the butternut squash after it is cooked. Using the squash makes it seem more like a Thanksgiving food.Good luck and I hope you have a nice holiday with your Dad.
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