Can you die from hot water

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you die from hot water”,you can compare them.

Yes, 1000 people die each year in the US from cancers caused by ingesting the contaminants in water because water droplets dispersed by the shower head have a larger surface-to-value ratio than water streaming into the bath. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die from hot water
Can you die from hot water
Yes, 1000 people die each year in the US from cancers caused by ingesting the contaminants in water because water droplets dispersed by the shower head have a larger surface-to-value ratio than water streaming into the bath. ChaCha on!
Does sperm die in hot water…?
Sperm don’t like hot water. (They don’t even do too well at body temp – that’s why the testicles hang away from the body, so the sperm can grow at the cooler temperature where they thrive best.) They will die faster in hot water than at bod…
Can sperm die in hot water?
The temperature must be about 94F (35 C) for sperm to live. The temperature can only vary by one to two degrees before the sperm will start dying. So pretty much 92F and below or 96F and above are fatal temperatures to sperm. So, unless the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can you die from hot tab water?
A: No it is not possible to die from hot tap water. Water heaters do not make the water hot enough to kill you. If it is too hot it can still scald you though. Tap water would have to heated up by another source that can get it hotter than your water heater can get it. Even then your natrual reaction to move away would prevent enough of it hitting you to kill you.Very hot natural water like at Yellowstone or hot spring in Iceland or other parts of the world is hot enough to kill. But it would also be the volume and pressure too that would cause you to receive a large dose of the hot water too.
Can You Die From Drinking Hot Salt Water?
Q: Please Help My Friend and I figure this age old question. the 5th person to answer wins the best answerThanks
A: Why the 5th person? What if the first person answers intelligently & the 5th says something totally irrellevant?Too much sodium can be very damaging to the body.Loading up someone on salt can produce hypernatremia – meaning too much sodium chloride in the bloodstream. High concentrations of salt in the bloodstream can harm the kidneys, liver, nervous system and other organs.Why are you drinking hot salt water? How often? How salty?Be very careful!
can you die from putting a bleeding cut under hot water?
Q: I’ve heard if you have a cut and you put it under hot water it makes you bleed more or something? is that true? if so why?
A: The hotter the water the less likely the platelets in the blood will be able to clot so healing of the wound would not occur. Because it is hot more blood will be sent to the area so more blood will be lost.So in theory you could die if no pressure is applied to the wounded area.
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