Are triple antibiotics good to put on skin cancer

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Triple antibiotic ointment usually contains bacitracin, polymixin and neosporin in a petrolatum base. It is useful for sun damaged skin. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are triple antibiotics good to put on skin cancer
Are triple antibiotics good to put on skin cancer
Triple antibiotic ointment usually contains bacitracin, polymixin and neosporin in a petrolatum base. It is useful for sun damaged skin. ChaCha!

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scab like skin on lips?
Q: i have been trying to fix this problem for a while now but this is bothering me. i have gotten my lips checked by a orthodontic surgeon and said i would have to get surgery and be put to sleep while i am in operation and i have both sides but my left side is more noticeable than my right side it used to be a blister from chapped lips and i put Lip Medex which normally heals and helps my lips that last time but this time they wont heal at all!i had a cold sore last summer while i had this problem and my doctor prescribed me the same ointment for cold sores for my lips and also gave my mimxy cream and they dont work at allthey do heal but it heals to skin and its white and i can also peel them off and of course it would hurt if i do since it reveals flesh and i did that and put medicine and nothinga pharmacist from longs said to use vaseline 100% petroleum jelly and it kinda healed my right side but no changes to the left i took three pics of the left side so you guys can see what i meanand no i dont have herpes or any oral disease as i am not sexually active nor put contaminated object in my mouthi also believe the the sun kinda affected the skin because i was working out in the sun last summer for over a month and got a cold sore as mentionedi canceled the surgery since that would leave two scars on my lips and i dont trust this guy since once i walked in the room and he just examined my lips for just one minute or less and just said u need surgery and u need lip sunblock to prevent skin cancerany good suggestions will help!i used triple antibiotic ointment and that didnt work eitherhere are the pictures do not have cheilosis the place of the skin on the lips is white its not even at the end of the lips its by the end but its not i am not talking about the red spots cause they are pimples the white spot on the lips is what i am talking about
A: Looks like some form of cheilosis. Can be caused by excessive solar radiation exposure. Some forms are linked to be precancerous. One reason that the dentist just took a quick look is because we need a sample of the tissue so the lab can take a look at what the cells really look like. Especially if we see a white lesion, and there are hundreds of diseases that look the same. Can’t tell 100% what it is without doing a biopsy so go to a dentist or oral surgeon that you trust and get it done. and yes, use sunscreen!
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