Are scientists going to develop a cure for cancer

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I hope so! Technology is developing so rapidly, I can see a cure for cancer coming in the next 20 years! It really is amazing how advanced we are getting technologically. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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Are scientists going to develop a cure for cancer
I hope so! Technology is developing so rapidly, I can see a cure for cancer coming in the next 20 years! It really is amazing how advanced we are getting technologically. ChaCha!

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Who will find the cure for cancer first?
Q: Science or religion?…and does religion do anything constructive at all?I am a little bias as several members of my family have already been cured of cancer. So I’m with science. …of cause all the scientists that developed those treatments will be going to hell ;0)
A: scienceif religion found it they already had itor are they keeping itas some rewardfor living a good life
What would happen to the population if scientists cured all diseases?
Q: If scientists manage 2 find cures or vacines for evrything, what would hapen 2 the population? 1) If all these cures were shared with developing countries 2. Would it not jus cause more sufering? Contraception is frequently not acepted. Or jus condoms, hardly reliable alone.2) Isn’t disease like cancer etc a natural way of population control? 3) Would developed countries go into meltdown 2, could it harm humanity? Enforced infertility/dictatorship everywhere!4) When humans mes with biology, does it not just cause more problems CJD, bird flu etc?I’m personaly against embryo & animal testing, partly bcos we r animals 2. But we know others feel pain/can die. It will seem 2 mean yet more abortions for the ignorant. Alowing them 2 murder humans, by fact made the second sperm enters an egg & should b granted human rights as such. Life not poluted by society always wants 2 live. Those lucky enuf 2 b born, should b thankful they got to b. Ur self importance is jus a state of mind
A: humans breed to excess. When a nation gets wealthy enough and has access to birth control the population declines or stabilises. 3rd world populations have expoded in the last 100 yrs due to colonisers giving them antibiotics and vaccines and stopping them fighting – this leads to genocides once the colonisers leave/ get thrown out (eg Rwanda) and famines (rest of africa). AIDS is killing off a lot of Africans. U are bascailly right – we’ll have to find a way to limit growth. The CHinese do it by saying ‘only one child’ but this leads to a lot of female infanticide. Also in India. Probably a pandemic – eg bird flu – will do the job for us.
**Cure for Cancer???**?
Q: I know this sounds weird but I think there is already a cure for cancer. lol. I mean seriously with all this advanced technology that man has surely there is. I believe they developed one a long time ago and are not releasingg it. Why would they?It would cause a lot of problems. Many people would be out of work! Doctors, Scientists . . . ect. As much as I hate to believe this I think it could be true. What are your guy’s opinions on the matter?If there is a cure I wish they would tell people. Many people are dying everyday from cancer and causing thier families to go through a lot of grief.goodness peopleI DO NOT Think that cancer is a laughing matter! I was using lol because I thought it was kind of crazy thinking this. PEOPLE need to calm down! don’t freak out I have had very close friends and even some family die of cancer.
A: i have cancer.if they did thats messed up
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