What pill is Pink and Round and has SD on it and what is it for and what does it do

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The pill with SD on it that is pink and round is Diupres-250 and 500, also Urecholine. It is used to lower blood pressure. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-pill-is-pink-and-round-and-has-sd-on-it-and-what-is-it-for-and-what-does-it-do ]
More Answers to “What pill is Pink and Round and has SD on it and what is it for and what does it do
What pill is Pink and Round and has SD on it and what is it for a…?
The pill with SD on it that is pink and round is Diupres-250 and 500, also Urecholine. It is used to lower blood pressure. ChaCha!
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The type of pill would be called Citalopram. ChaCha on with life!
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