What is the percentage of miscarriages in pregnancy

Health related question in topics Miscarriages .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the percentage of miscarriages in pregnancy”,you can compare them.

A:The miscarriage rate may be closer to 40 or 50 percent of all pregnancy in the United States currently. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-percentage-of-miscarriages-in-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “What is the percentage of miscarriages in pregnancy
What percentage of pregnancy’s end in miscarriage??
If your test is positive and then a few days later your period arrives. Your period may be heavier than you’re used to, which may mean your pregnancy has been lost. Experts estimate that about 20 to 30 per cent of all pregnancies end in mis…
What percentage of pregnancies have miscarriages?
About 15-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, and more than 80% of these losses happen before 12 weeks. Good luck! ChaCha
What is the average percentage of miscarriages in teen pregnancy?
Since 1974, it has been estimated that fewer than 10% of teenage pregnancies have ended in fetal loss ( miscarriage or stillbirth).

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What percentage of miscarriages happen AFTER the first 5 weeks?
Q: Ive been told the 25% of first time mothers have a miscarriage, but that most of them are before the mother even knows she is pregnant. Well I know that I am pregnant and Im just nervous because Im in the first trimester of my first known pregnancy and Im extremely excited to have a baby…I am 5 weeks today. What are the stats for miscarriages between 5 and 12 weeks? (Between weeks 3-4 I heard a lot happen..) Also, anything I can do to avoid it? (Even though they are usually spontaneous)
A: It is 1 out of 4 women have a miscarriage within the first 13 weeks. Usually the ones that have them before week 4 are the ones that didnt even know they where pregnant. Because they never “missed” a period. Do not worry about it too much because your chances of losing the baby decreases every week. you will be fine just take your vitamins and try to stay as stress free as possible for a little while longer. Make sure you eat well and drink plenty of water. Just take care of yourself. Good luck!
What’s the percentage of pregnancies that end in (early) miscarriage?
Q: My mom used to teach childbirth classes in the late 80’s/ early 90’s and I remember her telling me once that it was something like 60%, with the majority of miscarriages happening before a woman even knew she was pregnant. I just found out that I’m pregnant and I’m pretty sure that I had a VERY early miscarriage at exactly the same time last year ( I was taking BC at that time, but was not when I conceived this time). Naturally, I’m worried that it might happen again. How many pregnancies end in miscarriage, at what point does this stop being a major risk? I think I also remember reading somewhere that morning sickness actually reduces your chance of miscarriage, is there any truth to this? Thanks for the info!
A: the threat of miscarriage declines rapidly once the 3 mth mark is up. the baby should be strong enough to survive at this point. just remember that a bit of bleeding in early pregnancy is said to be ok but i spotted brown discharge for the last 3 days and this morning it was red and like a period. the doctor called to tell me the the pregnancy hormone in my blood is very low and i was suffering a miscarriage. so it is important to take any bit of bleeding seriousley.i wish you every luck with your pregnancy.
What are the chances of miscarriage in early pregnancy?
Q: Do any of you know what the chances are of miscarriage in early pregnancy? Is there a certain percentage of women who miscarry in their first couple of months?At what point is the pregnancy considered “safe” (i.e. low chance of miscarriage)?
A: I am not sure what the chances are exactly, but it is more likely to lose a pregnancy within the first trimester. After you see a heartbeat then the chances go down quite a bit, and once you get into the second trimester it is slim to none that you will miscarry. If you are pregnant, don’t worry about the miscarriage statistics, just enjoy your pregnancy because it will be over before you know it. You don’t want to get consumed with the idea of miscarriage.
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