What is a stroke…..and what causes it

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a stroke…..and what causes it”,you can compare them.

A stroke accurs when blood supply to your brain is Disrupted. Blockage of an artery like high blood pressure or high cholesterol level can help cause one. Stay healthy, Chacha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-stroke…..and-what-causes-it ]
More Answers to “What is a stroke…..and what causes it
Stroke is a type of cardiovascular disease. It affects the arteries leading to and within the brain. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts. When that happens…
A stroke or “brain attack” occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted either by a blood clot blocking an artery or by a blood vessel breaking causing a hemorrhage. Both of these events cut off oxygen and nutrient…
A stroke means that the blood supply to a part of the brain is suddenly cut off. The brain cells need a constant supply of oxygen from the blood. Soon after the blood supply is cut off, the cells in the affected area of brain become damaged…

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what causes strokes?? and do emotions have anything to do with it?
Q: for example, if someone has a very emotional state ..does this bring on strokes?how about heart disease?which one more often?and how is a stroke different than a “nervous break down”?please explainthanks for your answers!
A: Well high blood pressure High levels of sugar in the body Burst bloody vessels. I guess the high blood pressure could be linked to stress.
“god given knowledge”?!?
Q: Scenario:–You’re in a airplane flying over the Amazon. Suddenly, the pilot has a stroke, and you plummet towards the jungle. Everyone else dies except you. You’re in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. You lost your phone. All you have are your clothes and your brain.–How is your so-called “God given knowledge” going to save you now? It won’t. Chances are you’ll die. You aren’t going to all of a sudden realize where the nearest city is, or what will kill you and what won’t. Even if god exists, he obviously doesn’t give a rats a$$ whether you live or die.So would you, while you’re still lost in the jungle, still believe in your god? Even after it’s his fault that you’re lost anyway, because he created our blood which clots and our veins which caused the pilot to have a stroke and cause the crash?btw, death in a jungle, especially in Brazil, is almost never quick and painless. Usually, you’ll suffer.No. I wouldn’t. No point even if he did exist. Does he help abused child slaves who are sold for sex? No.No. I wouldn’t. No point even if he did exist. Does he help abused child slaves who are sold for sex? No.Losasha~ The only good a Bible will do is be used to kill bugs and small animals for food.Patients~ And once again, you can’t answer the question. Instead you resort to insulting me.
A: THE BIBLE is God given knowledge—-it tells us of all we need to know—as soldiers of God—as Christians—as beings–
Why hasn’t Carl Lewis’ medals been taken away?Didn’t he dope too? Part 2?
Q: Some people need to do some research before they answer questions. Its not that hard to find out info on athletes. He actually usedpseudo ephedrine, ephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine. NOT A STEROID! All this stuff does is open up your nasal passage and give you a caffeine type of rush. It does not enhance your muscular ability at all! It can also lead to a stroke and cause you to loose your life, that’s why a lot of the so called fat burner pills can no longer contain it. USOC has very strict guidelines on what athletes can and cannot put into their bodies. This was classified as a stimulant. NOT STEROIDS!!
A: So how do you connect all that detail with Carl Lewis using them? He might have used stuff that was still not in the banned list. Americans are all holia than thou.
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