What is a pregnancy miscarriage like

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A:Signs and symptoms of an early miscarriage (or chemical pregnancy) would generally be spotting or vaginal bleeding similar to MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-pregnancy-miscarriage-like ]
More Answers to “What is a pregnancy miscarriage like
What is a pregnancy miscarriage like
Signs and symptoms of an early miscarriage (or chemical pregnancy) would generally be spotting or vaginal bleeding similar to MORE
Does this sound like pregnancy or miscarriage?
Wait another week and take a test then. If still negative and having the same symptoms then you should see your doc.
Does this sound like a miscarriage or Possible pregnancy??
I have had that for the past 3 months. My period comes early and then stays a bit longer. I do have endometriose4s and I am not a doctor, so I am not saying you have it. Endo comes with heavy periods as all the blood does not flow out and c…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does an early miscarriage look like?
Q: I missed a significant amount of pills a while back and I doubled up for like a week… which you aren’t supposed to do but I did.Today something came out of me that I’ve never seen before. I’ve been hurting for 2 days and this was way beyond a normal period pain.I want to know what a early pregnancy miscarriage can look like.
A: Ive had a miscarriage so I know, first you start cramping and as time goes by it gets way worse, I mean it is so bad. Like i sat in the shower crying..NOTHING makes the pain go away. Everyone is different on how long it takes but I didn’t take long at all, I started cramping at 9 it got worse and as it got worse every time I sat on the toilet blood clogs came out even when I was not on the toilet, by the time my dr called me back it was 11 he told me to go in right away and right before I went to the ER i went to the rest room one last time and that’s when I past the fetus.. it was was like the size of a dollar coin it was white(tissue) and red/pink. I know it was the fetus because my boyfriend and my mom dug it out of the toilet and we took it with us after I past the fetus, at the hospital they took im guessing the placenta out and put me in a room cause the next morning they said I may need a DNC,that’ss when they clean the inside of your uterus, however Ididn’tt need it but alot of people need it after a miscarriage so if this sounds like what happened to you id go in because if anything stayed inside you it could cause an infection and that’s not good. also ididn’t bleed alot at all just the clogs but its different with everyone.
Am i having pregnancy/miscarriage symptoms?
Q: so i had sex on march 19, and the next day, i had my period, but it was only for like 3 or 4 days. And now, (its been about two weeks) i had brown discharge all weekend, and had/still have mild cramps. But now im having a really light/weird period, its not really red, its more brown/red, and its not alot at all. Could i be pregnant or having a miscarriage? please help im only 16 and dont know what to do.
A: no im 16 as well this is normal i had a miscarriage and i was gushing red blood and huge blood clots and was having horrible pain and cried because it hurt so bad. so no your probably just pregnant 🙂 good luck
Pregnancy/Miscarriage Help!?
Q: I just recently found out I am pregnant. I took 2 home pregnancy tests on 1 week ago, Exactly. They both we’re positive. So I went to my dr & got pregnancy proof on tuesday. I am very little far along. Probably about 2 weeks. Okay, Today I wake up with period bleeding. No cramping, whatsoever. I went to the Emergency Room. They did ultrasounds, Pelvic exams, Papsmear, Everything. He told me I am either A.) Not that far along, because my hcg level is “31” , it should be between 50-500 at even 2 weeks pregnant. B.)I am not pregnant at all. which Ive had 4 pregnancy tests, and even the one they took tonite was positive. Just the levels were low. Orrrr C.) I am in the process of a miscarriage & thats the reason the levels have went down.So they are telling me to wait until Monday & Return for another HCG test. To see if the levels have risen or decreased….Has ANYONE ever experienced anything like this? Or know anyone who has? What are your opinions? What is going on!?
A: Well I experienced decidual bleeding during my early pregnancy.It was similar to a period, I am still pregnant and did not miscarry. I hope your just having early pregnancy bleeding, but it could be a miscarriage. –All you can do it wait and hope for the best. My thoughts will be with youEDIT: Dont stress, stress leads to mis. Stay positive!
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